Monday 3 April 2006

Tap dancing

Lefty loosey, righty tighty. The simple rule of screwing. This applies to removing and putting on bottle tops, screwing in screws and turn taps on and off.

Taps with vertical threads and valves, or whatever the hell it is that makes them work, and horizontal taps, this is no problem. You get used to this at an early age. Same goes for radiator valves. However, how many times, and how many soakings does it take to learn how to use these:


Every time I use these friggin' things, I end up turning the water to full flow instead of turning it off. You end up getting blasted with a Niagara Falls like jet of water. If you're quick enough to react, you can sometimes jump out of the way, but this is rarely the case and you end up with embarrassing wet patches.

Brain does not compute sideways taps. Why, therefore, does every fucker insist on having them installed in their kitchens and bathrooms these days?


Hospital drama
Oh my word, look at this people!
Killers in NHS hospital anaesthetic room!

Just think, three weeks ago, they could've got me afterall!

Pussy humour

Bad cat 30 Mar

I am a little distracted at the mo.
I forgot Piggy's rock and sweeties.
I still haven't prepared that presentation for Wednesday and I'm not in work tomorrow and I'm out tomorrow evening. Fuck.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've never seen an uglier faucet. Ever.

Anonymous said...

It's the most rubbish one you'll ever see, I'm sure of it. Not only is it the wrong orientation, it has absolutely no grip for soapu hands. What a load of rubbish!

Perhaps blogworld would wish to regale me with its stories of rubbish taps?

Anonymous said...

I have a dripping one at the minute.

Tap that is.

Come fix it.

Close call Sniff. Breathe deeply.

Anonymous said...

"I forgot Piggy's rock and sweeties."

I never get anything, me.

*has nothing further to say*

*goes into a quiet room with a bottle of Sniffy's Codeine and cries*


Anonymous said...

I always have to stnad in a curious sideways hunchback-y type stance in order to work out which is left and which is right.

If I have to add water from the other tap it all gets too traumatic for words..

Anonymous said...

I don't really get that faucet, honestly.

Anonymous said...

pretty kitty.

I like the old fashioned looking faucets, although I must admit that you have to "lift" the handle of my toilet for it to flush.

Anonymous said...

Tina - nice japanese impersonation "soapu hands" indeed.

Because I'm an all-modern kind of guy I like our taps that are kind of "leverish" in look because:
1. You can't overtighten them on close so no buggered washers because of gorilla guests
2. The levers are easier for arthritic mothers and mothers in law to operate
3. You don't have to think which way to turn coz they either turn on, or to turn them off you push them back into an obviously off/upright/central/rest position.

On the downside - they are french and have the letters F (for froid/cold) and C (for chaud/hot)

C for hot? it confuses the Mothers in law no end

Anonymous said...

Are we certain the NHS killers weren't bribed by a certain Piggy who had his dates mixed up?

Anonymous said...

that news article gives one pause for thought certainly, and I too always recite the right-tighty/lefty-loosey rhyme...but I don't mind getting embarrassingly soaked, do it so often...

Anonymous said...

Merlin looks like he's going to fall in the shredder... I couldn't think of any tap related tales.

Anonymous said...

Liking the cat pic!

The worse taps are the ones in school where you have to push the top down and soon as you let go the water stops!

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with the tap. You're just not holding your mouth right. And why do you have your crotch pressed so close to the sink anyway? You weirdo from the 'Ford.

Anonymous said...

I have no tap stories at the moment but on my last day at Powwow I might plug all the sinks up with bog roll and leave all the taps running.
Would that count?

Anonymous said...

*drums fingers on potato peeler*

Anonymous said...

Where in the hell are you? We want something new! We want you to be committed! To your blog, that is.

What's up, you got a RELATIONSHIP? Been out screwing your brains out? What???

Anonymous said...

no tap tales to share

cute pussy you got there though :-)

Anonymous said...

I have loads of tap stories, I'm a plumbing bore.

Go to salvage yard. Rebuild old taps ( takes about 5 minuits ). Will last for years and look classical. You will also be able to buy standard washers for them in future.

Anonymous said...

Tickers - that's boring alright. But it is also darned clever. I have made a note of it. After the next earthquake there could be a run on washers for poncy taps. Oh, and hello Tina.

Anonymous said...

I have a freaky fear of being in surgery and becoming conscious. Ew. Creepy new bit, that.