Tuesday 11 April 2006

The sunshine of my life

The sunshine of your life is supposed to be a person or a thing that lights up your existence, makes your life worth living. The sunshine of my life is that really bright and low bastard that gets me right in the face on the journey to and from work each day at this time of year. It's a killer.

That weirdo freak man has been back again. That's twice since the night time shots the other week.

Here he was today when I got home from work:

Weirdo return

If you look at him in close up, it looks like he's got a prosthetic nose. Fucking weirdo. I'm going to ask him what he's up to next time I see him.

I'm having a bit of a one at the moment. It's sort of nice, but v stressful too. Families are weird, I never know how to talk to mine... They just shout at everything.


Anonymous said...

It's hard to be a celebrity blogger; you'll get your fair share of stalkers apparently.

Perhaps it's time to invest in some earphones for the family.

Anonymous said...

I like his hat. Does he have an allotment?

I'm still recovering from the sad death of Mike Baldwin. All those lazy arses chatting away when they should have been sewing knickers.

I'm off to Shanghai to found a commune.

Anonymous said...

Is that your shed?

Anonymous said...

Tina, I have no doubt that you could drive up next to the bloke, hop out of your car, ask him what the fuck he's on about, and get away with it. You could wear your lab whites (do you have those?) and be very impressive.

What's the family crisis, then?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Tina, inquiring minds want to know - what's the crisis? Something about your family and your new ladylove?

About the guy, take your brother with you when you ask him what he's doing. You can never be too safe when dealing with strange men.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that is a bit odd if you ask me. Very very odd actually.

C'mon Sniff you can tell Aunt April what's going on. Let it all out, it will make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Is your new lady already spoken for?

Anonymous said...

Is it a bloke?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it's not our shed. I like the curtains though.

There is no crisis, there never is. It's just that EVERYTHING is a HUGE fucking problem with my family.

"Mum, I've won the £7m lotto jackpot"

"OHMYGOD, look out for gold diggers, watch out for the tax man, it's going to be TERRIBLE!!!!!"

Scary man was there again this morning before I left for work. I think this is sort of thing that can only be solved with a sniper rifle.

Things with new lady v good. I'm happy.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, dont ask him what he's up to. He might stab you.

Pay a small child to do it for you, if he does turn violent at least its one less potential criminal on the streets.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear this!

Anonymous said...

he kinda looks like Charles Manson only heavier.


Anonymous said...

Phone the police and watch what happens..... the guy is freaky.

I'd also place bets that your family isn't as bad as mine!!!! Imagine having a MOther like a cross between Pauline Fowler the Queen Mum and Mrs Bucket!!!!

Anonymous said...

"he kinda looks like Charles Manson only heavier."

You mean like SID, then?

Maybe he's Sniffy's long-lost twin seeking her out?

Anonymous said...

Fuckkit is right, bribe a little street urchin wih a packet of Players and have the child investigate for you.
Do you think it's MI5?

Anonymous said...

I would worry about that guy too. That's too weird.

yes, families are so trying-try funny thing's solution-just give them a lot of tranquilizers!

good news about the new lady in your life. yay!

Anonymous said...

He does fit the bill for strange drunken Irish bloke, but sorry, me it is not..

Families are always loud,the louder the better I say.

Paint your kitchen red.
Apparently that helps in building stress levels to an all time high.

Great fun.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone from the fraud section of the benefits department.

Are you signing on and working?

Anonymous said...

I reckon he's sending strange signals from a wee transmitter in his car.

He's trying to turn Sniffy into a mancurian candidate.

Anonymous said...

Can you get a couple of Bobbies to peddle up alongside on a bicycle and ask this weirdo just what the fuck he's doing?