Thursday 20 April 2006

Fun, fun, fun!

I've decided that I love Base 2a again! After the despair of the firewall being reset and losing both Firefox AND Blogger access on the same day, today I find that they have come back to me. So here I am with a big fat YAY!

Things are looking up for Sniffy: I got my new phone yesterday and it looks OK - quite dinky, lots of features. Fair enough, it's a bit toy-like and not as sturdy as some Nokias I've had, but IT'S A NOKIA and it means that I can finally get rid of the shiting awful Samsung.

Of course, when you get a new phone, you have to do all sorts of things like transfer your contacts from your old phone, change the settings so that it doesn't default to Nokia Tune for the ringtone, that sort of thing. But this is usually a nice activity; it is essentially playtime with your new toy and you spend a bit of time messing about and having a few "Oooooh, look at that!" moments.

Of course my enjoyment was stopped dead in its tracks because I was dealing with the Samsung. But why? Well, there's a slight problem in that you can't copy the contacts from the phone to the SIM memory - an activity that would allow the transfer of contacts to the new phone by copying the SIM contacts to the new phone's memory.

It just doesn't allow it... all....

......under any circumstances.

I even tried screaming at it and it still wouldn't do it. So what do you do instead?
You have to bluetooth each individual contact. I've just spent the last hour doing this. I am now well fucked off.

Samsung: Shittest phone ever





Lesson learnt: stick to Nokia. No doubt the new one will piss me off too, and ergonomically, the Samsung is nicer, but it is a shite to use and I can't wait to be exorcised of it.

One good thing about the Samsung was the way the predictive text always gave you "bomb" when you keyed in "anna".

Other stuff: going to the zoo
This time of year marks the start of Sniffy's days out and I'm kicking off with the Zoo on Saturday. CAN'T WAIT!!!! Bomb is coming with me and my lovely love interest. They'll be meeting for the first time. Love interest has already said how much she likes Bomb. Bomb may get left in the tiger enclosure if there's any trouble.

Even I am alarmed by my use of foul language when when people piss me off while I'm stuck in traffic. But not many of my outbursts actually make sense. It'd be quite good fun to ask foreign students of English to translate what I say. It'd be quite good fun to ask English-speaking people* to translate what I say because I haven't got a friggin' clue! All I know is that my mind goes sort of blank and I reach the end of my journey with a sore throat.

*I wonder if Vauxhall drivers know what is meant by: "USE YOUR FUCKING INDICATORS!" They're all tossers**.

**There are some exceptions, but not many.

I don't like listening to other people as they type, it irritates me. The worst type of typist is the type who really hammers the keys. Does my bloody head in, so it does. But what makes things even worse is when people wear bangles that bang on the desk as the hammer away at the keyboard. There is simply no need for this.

Bangles + typing = WRONG!

I'm loving my new phone. I will never forsake Nokia for another ever again!

Many congratulations to Tom Cruise for his blatant abuse of his wife-to-be by his insistence on a crackpot Scientology birth for her (I doubt it's his) child. Stupid fucker needs his head testing and she's just as bad for having anything to do with the talentless, rat-faced dwarf.


Anonymous said...

I made the huge mistake of giving up on Nokia 2 phones ago. Nokia just didn't have anything that looked flash enough for me. Hah! Served me right for being such a superficial cow, my motorola phones since then have been absolute crap. I hate them but still have 18 months until my contract runs out and I can go back to Nokia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

With ya on TomKat. Wankers...

Kuddos on the new phone. I had a Nokia for years. Then we got the free phone, it might have been a nokia or samsung, not sure. We now have the motorola flip phones. They fit my face better for yapping.

Anonymous said...

Now that that's out of the way...

You have too many things to comment on, I may miss something.

Glad you're enjoying your new phone. Interesting that your new LOVE????? Interest likes Bomb. Can see Bomb in the tiger enclosure, but I can also see the Mighty Cakesniffer diving in and saving her, thereby impressin the helloutof the new LOVE???? Interest. Hate bangles. Love Nokia phones. My favorite driving expression is YELLING driving instructions to the driver in front of me such as USE THE FUCKING ACCELERATOR YOU DIPSHIT there ya go good boy. The person in the car with me doesn't always appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

Oh - Tom Cruise has turned into the Weirdest Man on the Planet. I think his divorce from Nicole may have set him off (who wouldn't be, she's a lovely woman). I keep wondering why he seems to have forgetten about his OTHER children? I mean, HELLO?

Anonymous said...

I love Nokias, too. Samsungs and I do not get along AT ALL.

The really s l o w typists are the ones that kill me.

Anonymous said...

They're not his kids, none of them are. He's gay, impotent and infertile... and a wanker.

Anonymous said...

God I hate that Nokia tune. I always change to a simple 'ring ring' however, on my new Nokia this isn't available. What's that all about? (I think it is on the 6111 and is called something like 'Ringtone Classic')

So now I feel that an utter twat when anyone calls with only the idiotic melodic ringtones to choose from.

Does anyone know where I can download a 'ring ring' tone - that is for free and without signing up for £10 a week club 'membership'?

Anonymous said...

You could always get somebody to bluetooth one to you? Or if you have a voice recorder, you could record your own! That'd be so much fun. Go on, do it!!

Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise lives up his own arsehole.

I'm amazed it took Nicole Kidman so long to realize that he is a total dick.

I hate Nokias. They are a chav phone.

Anonymous said...

As you know, I adore Anna, and am a little tweaked that my adoration is being usurped by the adorable love.

Just remember who said it first.

Anonymous said...

Will there ever be snaps of new Love posted? Maybe the zoo trip is perfect for that.

Never have understood the Tom Cruise attraction. Half-pint.

Partner keeps dropping her phone in water. We both had Motorola but I haven't a clue what this season's make is. She has different ringtones for different people. I don't answer mine preferring to be the caller.

Anonymous said...

you don't love me anymore.

Anonymous said...

Sniffy - He's gay, impotent and infertile... and a wanker. ALLEGEDLY
Katie Holmes is a pig - Fact.

Any new love pics on here would be a miracle.

Anonymous said...

I HATE the pounding of the keyboard sound here at work too. The other lady in the office here has no sense of rhythem to her typing and is not gentle on herself, nor hermachine whatsoever. It's almost like she's doing it to show off how very loud/fast she can type. Oh brother.

Anonymous said...

But Herge, I do love you - more than you could possibly imagine. It's just that you're way out of my league and i fear that I could never be true to myself with you.

I am filled with sorrow. :(

Anonymous said...

Bomb?? At the Zoo?? On Saturday??

*frantically rings anti terrorist squad*

Anonymous said...

Predictive text spells Lard before it spells Kare(n) - I now have a very good friend called Lard...

I notice 'Anonymous' has made it's way to yours - I told it to shit off and it hasn't been back since. So:

Shit off, Fuck box!

Anonymous said...

The new phone still works then?

Give it time.

So when do we get to meet your new friend with the furry love cup then? Are you coming over our way for a night out? We need someone new to take the piss out of (although she's probably encounters such occurances every day already, we guess - she will now that she's got you in tow)

(that's an invite, by the way).

Anonymous said...

Thanks fellers, it's still working!

Can't wait to come over and see you - trying to organise it with woman. Will e-mail you?

Anonymous said...

Is it also offensive or more offensive to type whilst listening to or singing Bangles songs....

just another Manic Mondayyyy dum de dum

Yes I know I haven't commented in a while, I've been addicted to a computer game

Anonymous said...

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make some nice extra cash secret shopping. Just go to the site below
and put in your zip to see what's available in your area.
I made over $900 last month having fun!
make extra money

Anonymous said...

My predictive text gives me 'anal' when I type in 'cock'

Anonymous said...

I don't have predictive text, a Nokia, Samsung, or even a moblie phone for that matter. I did have a Nokia for a bit and found that (and this should have been obvious to me from the get go) not only does the convenience of a phone mean that you can call whomever you like when ever you like, it also means that YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A MINUTE TO YOURSELF WITHOUT YOUR FREINDS/FAMILY CALLING TO TALK ABOUT ABSOULTELY NOTHING!!! So I gave the thing up. It was hard and first, but now I feel delightfully free.

Sincerely, AAK - not to be confused...

Miss me?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't ever get a Motorola.
They have buttons on the side that get pressed when you stick it in your pocket, thus changing it to silent without you realising.

Nokia is top banana.

Anonymous said...

Nokia is a rotten and mushy banana! They're phones for chavs and the delusional.

And they're also the ugliest phones around.

Pile of Swedish (or whatever) shite.