Thursday 27 April 2006

Eye, eye!

Stereo vision is really good. You kind of get used to having two eyes from quite an early age. As a child, you do that thing where you open each of your eyes individually so as you can see the difference between the two fields of vision. You remark at the "Oooooh, intit weird, that?" feeling.

Anyway, I can't see properly out of my right eye this morning. This is because a) I need new glasses, b) I'm too tired and it doesn't want to focus yet , or c) a combination of the two.

New specs next month methinks. Watch this space.

I was out with some lesbians last night. They were all telling me how it's so obvious that I'm gay. That's nice of them, it's a bit like saying that it's really obvious that I have curly hair, small feet and blue (red) eyes. There are plenty of things that I could point out to people, but I don't because it would be impolite. I mean, I could quite easily say things like: "I knew within ten seconds of meeting you that you're a total cunt", but it's not the done thing.

Animals in the road
On the journey here this morning, the motorway warning signs were telling us to slow down to 40mph because of animals in the road. All the motorists did too. I didn't get to see which animals were in the road, or whether there were any that were soaking into the tarmac because I left the motorway before reaching the hazard, however, it occurred to me how compliant the motorists were. I'm not sure whether this was through shared concern about the welfare of the animals in question, or through fear of vehicle damaging through collision with a sheep, but I wondered whether the motorists' willingness to slow down was dependent on the hazard? For example:

  • "Slow down, FOG" - nobody slows down because fog doesn't hurt if you hit it
  • "Slow down, SPRAY" - go faster so you can get through the poor visibility and maybe even get your car washed
  • "Slow down, ACCIDENT" - go faster to get to the scene and have a nosy before they clear up the carnage
  • "Slow down, QUEUE" - go faster because you're going to get held up when you reach the queue anyway

Fucking hell, it's started
Just heard Posh Scouse having a chat with Mental Scouse about something that always rears its ugly head at this time of year - the ambient temperature reaching levels above 10°C. Posh Scouse has traumas about it being way too hot as soon as we approach May every bloody year. It starts as soon as she gets into the office in the morning and she lets her colleagues know about the which windows have been opened and other measures that have been taken in order to keep the air circulating in the stifling heat.

It's freezing, for fuck's sake!

She's wearing flip-flops. FLIP-FLOPS! Jesus fucking Christ all fucking MIGHTY, get a grip!!!!

Another colleague has just rolled up with her sunglasses propped on top of her head. They'll stay there all day while she's sat at her desk. Why don't they wear their sunglasses in winter when the sun is low in the sky? Is it part of the summer uniform, or a simply a fashion faux pas for the winter months?


I can't do that with my sunglasses. My head is too big for a start, but they also get caught up in my hair. I think I'm still hosting the remnants of a pair that got lost in there a couple of years ago.


Anonymous said...

Another sign of approaching summer is the tattoos that start to get exposure. Tattoos on shins and calfs and my pet peeve - some kind of tribal design on girls lower backs. Too, too common my dear.

Anonymous said...

Don't get me started on tattoos - those fucking horrible things on peoples' calfs (esp scorpions or meaningless ethnic squiggles) are just revolting. And those things that look like a thong riding up above the back of waistline just smack of "common".

Anonymous said...

My current boring thing to say to teenagers:
"You want to be really different? Really individual? Have nothing pierced. Have no tattoos. Work hard at school. Study Maths, Physics & Chemistry. Get a haircut."

I am slowly morphing into Victor Meldrew

Anonymous said...

And don't just shag around for the sake of it - make sure you find somebody who's really good at it and just stick with them.

Anonymous said...

*crosses Scorpians and ethnic squiggles off list of things to get tattooed on calf*

Fucking love summer, me. Cant wait to walk round with my sunglasses on my head until I look down and they fall off and go Crunch underfoot.

Anonymous said...

I spend 9 months of the year waiting for summer too - love it!

People with short or straight hair can get away with the sunglasses thing. But please take the fucking things off indoors, you look a complete nob.

I tend to stay covered up though.

Having had my whinge about scorpion tattoos, I couldn't believe my luck in witnessing one of the locals just now: he was wearing knee-length shorts (it's only about 11°C out there) showing off his HUGE scorpion tattoo that covered the entire length of his shin. He had an ethnic tattoo the length of his forearm. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

As soon as the temperature rises above, say, 5 degrees here in Vancouver, Canada, everyone is in shorts. You won't see that anywhere else in Canada. And Birkenstocks are worn all year 'round here.

Anonymous said...

I really want a calf tattoo though since I started working out and actually developed Calf Muscles.

And yes, they are worthy of capital letters.

Its a bit of a shame I just spent 7 months waiting for summer only to buy tickets to a country thats just heading into winter.

Anonymous said...

We're both tattooed. Nothing as common as scorpions and shite like that though.

Tasteful and pleasant markings adorn our rather handsome skeletal covering.

Walking works of art, we are.

Anonymous said...

You two are absolutely works of art... or is that pieces of work? Anyway, you're adorable.

Fuckkit, I need to get back to the gym properly, but I still can't run because of sore tit. Thank you for making me feel guilty.

Anonymous said...

In my home state of South Carolina, one can easily tell where the tourists are from by the people in the ocean. Canadians begin swimming in March and April, US Yanks and Midwesterners will venture the waters in April and May. South Carolinians wait for the ocean temp to reach June's 80° level.

I've become intrigued by tattoos and want one but cannot decide which would be the least tacky. I don't know what tribal compilation I could come up with as a person of Scots-Irish Dutch-English descent. Maybe just a drawing of a mutt since that is basically what Americans are.

Anonymous said...

You are entertaining. Thanks a bunch. I particularly like the phrase of hosting sunglasses in your hair.

Anonymous said...

Your tit's still sore? Did they tell you that it would hurt for a while? It's been, what, like a month now? That seems an awful long time for you to still be in pain and unable to walk a treadmill.

I don't do tattoos. I don't mind them on other people, though. If I were to get one, it would probably be right above my arsecrack though, because I could hide it easily, and no one but my most intimate friends would ever see it.

Anonymous said...

I once asked a female colleague "why are wearing sunglasses in mid winter,has someone given you a black eye? Where you fighting again?"

To that, she raised her glasses and yes a big black eye!

Pub fight!I think.

Anonymous said...

Whew! Just got all caught up on your comings and goings for the last week. You've been a busy chica!

Speaking of chicas, Sniffys' got a cutie girl! Really, she's beautiful and adorable! Congrats to you both!

Anonymous said...

Just Sayin' come by my place and take a look at my tattoo. It's in a good spot and is not tacky in the least bit. :-)

Anonymous said...

I Know what you mean, my housemate walks around the streets in a cold winters evening in shorts and teeshirts when i'm wearing an eskimo coat and scarf. It makes me very very angry!

Anonymous said...

apropos of nothing: A site I often look at for its mixture of filth and humour has a series of photos titled "Redneck Wedding: Tragic".

I found it one of the sweetest and saddest things I've ever seen.

For those who don't want to suffer's porn ads use this URL: and modify the 01 to 02 etc to see the pics

Anonymous said...

what happened to that damned URL? you'll have to stitch this together:

Anonymous said...

Who said anything about running? I generally sit on the recumbant bike pedalling slowly, watching reruns of Keeping Up Appearances in subtitles and keeping my heart rate at a steady 140bpm.

No nork disturbance at all.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else notice that odd smell in here? I think someone may have left the stove turned on . . .

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit confused by cryptic messages about stoves.... However, moving swiftly on, I don't really ever feel like I've had a proper workout unless I've done running, it's just me I guess. I've been using the cross trainer, but it's not as good.

Yes, it's only been a month since my op so it still hurts when I squeeze it , knock it or jiggle it. It was quite a big lump taken from a rather sensitive part of my anatomy afterall.

Anonymous said...

I think i wind up wearing sunglasses more often in winter matter of fact, hadn't really thoguht of it, but you are's certainly brighter.

Anonymous said...

Is there such thing as a posh scouse?