Friday 28 April 2006

Ain't no sunshine...

The clouds are rolling in and we're heading for a grey and wet (not in a nice way) bank holiday. Bah. Despite the temperature struggling to get into the mid-teens, there are some truly horrendous sites on the streets and concrete shopping precincts of northern England. People in vests and with their legs and toes showing. Jesus.

I have been deserted! So, in spite of the weather, I'm taking advantage of the long weekend and I'm off to Norfolkland later to see if I can contract bird flu from that chicken farm. I'll let you know how I get on.

Do wood pigeons get bird flu? I fucking hope so. Stupid bloody creatures. They can't even walk without having to move their heads.

Oh, the sun's come out again, I must undress to a indecent state and prop my sunglasses on top of my head! QUICK!!! Open all the windows, it's too hot!

Aresholes. Should move them to somewhere properly hot (like Delhi).

I might see if I can make a recording of a particular person to post on here. How do I make this thing work? Hrrm, it's a pity she's concentrating and is engaged in conversation with only herself, rather than the rest of the people in the 1km radius of the building. She's "tiddly-pomping" though - perhaps she's been to choir practice recently and is having flashbacks. Plaid A-line skirt (above the knee!), short-sleeved white blouse, pink tank top, glasses (those ones that make your eyes look HUGE) on a string around her neck.

Their PC died last week. It's not a great problem because everything is stored on the server and you just get a replacement PC, log on, and all is fine with the world. Theirs was replaced with an exact same model, but she is constantly telling people who phone up that "I'll get it off his 'electronic', but we're using a spare computer and it's very slow". G-O-D!!!!! By "his electronic" she's referring to her boss's Outlook diary, as opposed to the paper diary, which she also insists on keeping just so as she can confuse people. "Hello, yes! Hiya - heh heh heh - yessssssss... I was just wondering whether, you see this is where it all gets rather confusing, whether you could check Mr Whatsisname's electronic over at your end to see if it's the same as the electronic at our end because it's different in the paper diary. OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!! So his electronic is the same wherever you look at it??? Well, yes, yes, that's right, that's what I thought, well you see - PARADOXICALLY, it's all rather worked out for the better then".

I've just enlightened her with "ctrl c" and "ctrl v" because she "can't find the copy and paste buttons on this stupid computer". And now somebody else has made her day with the concept of right clicking. Jesus, I can't believe that people are allowed anywhere near computers without basic training.

Fuck me.

Blog award
You know, some woman has won some blog award for being homeless and writing from inside her car. Well, perhaps if we all had that amount of free time and peace and quiet, we too might be able to write something worthy of a fucking award!

Does anybody know what shite goes into a Subway sandwich? I can't believe they have the cheek to advertise themselves as fresh: shoving a load of highly processed shite into bread in front of a customer does not constitute fresh. And that stench that they pump on onto the streets should have them being taking to task by the environmental health. Dis-fuckin-gusting!

Is it hometime yet?


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the Subways. Not literally or we'd be writing award winning blogs.

Anonymous said...

If the women in the car has wifi, she can presumably order delivery foodstuffs from nearby take aways.

That's not what I call slumming it. Anyway, the car could be a Roller or a Maybach. I bet nobody checked.

Anonymous said...

sounds like an interesting day, while I'm with you on the subway sandwiches not being fresh, i quite enjoy the smell of the place eeking out into our streets, but it's always a disappointment when I actually order anyting.

Anonymous said...

I'll give you an award for your blog by telling everyone it's very funny.

Leftisloose has left.

Anonymous said...

Bird flu isn't all it's cracked up to be. Very disppointing...

However, inserting PC keyboards forcefully down irritating colleagues throats is!

Anonymous said...

Have a nice trip.

Bringing the bird with you?

Be careful.

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Anonymous said...

Very nice! I found a place where you can
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Anonymous said...

*hands Tina an award and a cup of machine tea*

Anonymous said...

That was truly disturbing. I'm going inside to masturbate until my ears bleed. I'll be thinking about that nice chick with the god complexion while I do it . .. . . . .

Happy trails. . . ..

Anonymous said...

I love Subway.

Writing... what's that?

Anonymous said...

Pissoff? Whose that?

Anonymous said...

Subways is as crap as iceland :-)

Have been reading the blog of the woman in the car, facinating, I'd also like to have that amount of time on my hands for whatever reason

Anonymous said...

I love Subway sandwiches. I don't give a fuck if their idea of fresh means that they make it in front of me. I know they make their own bread, and they slice the meats, chop the veggies, it's all as fresh as it can be if I'm not making it. It's as fresh as if somebody you know were making it - what's the difference, Subway's kitchen or your mate's kitchen? Bah.

Anonymous said...

Oh, hark at Mrs Tetchy. Subway sandwiches taste OK, but they're full of crap. I just object with the way they advertise "fresh" in a way that they equate with "good for you", when they so clearly are not. And I hate that smell they pump out of all the outlets. It's revolting.

Anonymous said...

'Here Here' on the blog award thing. Lazy bitch wannabee bitch.

Anonymous said...

Aren't there actually three problems here?

(1) Pre-manufactured sandwiches are just nasty, even if it's assembled in front of you

(2) Fast food is crap all around

(3) Jarred is going to kick your ass when he reads your blog

Anonymous said...

Agreed, but who's Jarred?

Anonymous said...

Still alive I see. Didn't get bird flu, afterall : )

Anonymous said...

I love Subway sandwiches.
Obviously I run out of combinations very quickly once I've had a Veggie Delite... but hey. I suffer for my beliefs so that I can complain as often as possible.

Anonymous said...

Jarred was the marketing-whore used by Subway in the US for years. It started with an enormously fat man vowing to eat nothing by Subway sandwhiches as a form of dieting. They then paraded him in front of cameras about six months later showing him 100 pounds (8 stone for you) smaller.

I'm not kidding.

He has been touted by them for years now as the success story of healthy eating through Subway foods.

I repeat. I am not kidding. Try it. Google: Jarred, Subway

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