Friday 24 March 2006


People have been asking what "Yay!" means next to a blog title in my blogroll. It just means that there's been an update within the last 12hrs. Blogrolling does it automatically from the RSS or atom feed or something like that. I used to have the Blogroll ordered according to most recent update, but this was confusing as the blogs weren't listed alphabetically. Etc, etc, etc. For some reason, it doesn't pick up feeds from Wordpress, so they don't appear to be updated.

Calvin and Hobbes
I discovered Calvin and Hobbes in 1989. A friend of mine lent me all of his collection of the books (Calvin and Hobbes, Something under the bed is drooling, Weirdos from another planet) on the night of a party where I got very drunk then walked home through a construction site. This was the night that I tried to start a mechanical digger....

The books survived and I bought my own copies and added to the collection as and when. I then lent my entire collection to somebody and never saw them again. Fuckers.

Having a look around yesterday, I discovered that you can buy a special boxed set: "The Complete Calvin and Hobbes", for £70, so that should be nice.

"Do you want a paracetamol?"
Mentioning that I had a slight headache this morning, a caring colleague asked whether I'd like some paracetamol. Well no, not really, thank you. I've never known paracetamol to be much use for pain relief. In fact, they're totally, 100% ineffective. Do they actually work for anybody? I think it is one of those conspiracies directed by The Mysterious They to try to kill off large sections of the population who accidentally overdose while trying desperately to get rid of a persistent headache.

That's what I reckon.

Do you ever get days when you wish you could take to your bed? It used to be a perfectly acceptable thing to do in them days (don't know which ones, but sometime back then). You'd give the staff their chores for the day, come over a little wan, then take to your bed for a day or two.

It's called ME these days I think.

Well done, you did it!
I do find the people here at Base 2a wonderful. Yesterday was my first day back here after my sick leave - there was card waiting for me. I opened it up and was thrilled to see that it had been signed with amusing messages from well-wishers. Then I looked at the card itself. On the front, the message reads "Congratulations, hic! hic! hic!" and there's a drawing of little puppies bouncing on upturned champagne corks, each enjoying a glass of bubbly. Inside, the card's message reads "...Well done, you did it!". How appropriate for somebody recovering from surgery.


Anonymous said...

Paracetamol are shit. Might as well eat chalk. I'm proper poorly today, is this the right place for sympathy for my poorly tummy? :-(

Anonymous said...

Well done, you did it!

Apparently, that's the thing to say to people when they're ill.

I recommend that you take to your bed for the day and avoid paras at all costs (the tablets, not the military). Have you got any Calvin and Hobbes to read? I haven't (well, I have, but not as many as I used to have).

Poorly tummy, that's not a euphemism for period pain is it?

Anonymous said...

lol, no! It's the real thing for bad chinese curry. I have some comics to read and I think they'll cheer me up.

(Paras are to be avoided, they all wear brown suede brogues. Nasty)

Anonymous said...

Chinese eh? I was having a discussion about "where to eat" with one of the lesbians last night and Chinese came bottom of the list of options, surprisingly enough.

I thought Paras wore those nice shiny black boots???

Anonymous said...

Hiya. I love Calvin and Hobbes too. Don't you hate that when people don't give your flippin' books back? UURGGHH!

Very nice card from the colleagues. Maybe they couldn't find a breast lump one?

Anonymous said...

Kayah - maybe my colleagues couldn't find out how to dress themselves without help.

Anonymous said...

yeah, well this lemon's sticking chinese food at the bottom of the pile now.

(suede is their unofficial uniform)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, I seeee. I wonder if I have any uede shoes. I have a smelly suede jacket that makes me look queer (nothing else does, obviously), and some black suede desert boots and my new "fusion" shoes have a bit of suede on them, but that's fasion, apparently.

The thing is, Chinese food has some really nice things in it. I just never seem to choose them.

Anonymous said...

I think paracetamol is the same compound in our tylenol, which is, as you say, total shit. I like a bit of naproxen sodium (aleve) when I have aches & pains. Ibuprofen is a close second.

Well, your colleagues bought you a card, signed it, and wished you well. I wonder what possessed them to choose that particular sentiment. Perhaps bouncing pups equaled healthy paps to them. Who knows. At least you got a card.

Anonymous said...

Nurofen (ibuprofen) do the trick for me. Codeine does sod all to relieve pain, but it feels quite nice.

Anonymous said...

On the occasion of my first marriage, my husband's aunt sent me a condolence card. I should have known then that there was something behind it. She wasn't stupid, just honest.

Anonymous said...

Yes, paracetamol are shite. They've never worked for me either.

As for people asking what the little 'Yay' thing is - how fucking thick are they? Jeez, some people shouldn't be allowed near a computer. Next thing you know, they'll be asking 'What does it mean when it says 'A virus has wiped your fucktard computer that you paid a thousand quid for, just so you could type an email' mean?

Puppies and champagne corks. No I don't understand that either.

I'm quite convinced that the people that design cards are all mongs.

Who the fuck is Calvin and Hobbes? Never heard of him/her/them. Must be shite.

I still can't believe you skived off work for so long just because of a lumpy tit. Affect your head or arms/legs too, did it?

No wonder the NHS is in terminal decline.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck you on? I've been in work all week. Although I got bored by 1.30 today so I came home. I'm really tired though; all my energy is being used up on wound healing you see.

Anonymous said...

Wound healing. Dear fucking lord I've heard it all now.

We all know you only went back into work for tea and sympathy. I bet you were wandering around holding your tit all week, wincing every time you had to move more than 3mm.

I think you should have had them both completely removed anyway. It's not as if they're any good to you. They're only increasing your weight.

I know! Sell them on eBay!

*still wants to know who Calvin and Hobbes is*

Anonymous said...

Jesus, haven't you heard of Google? Calvin and Hobbes is a cartoon strip about a 7 year old boy who daydreams that his toy is a real tiger/best friend and he gets into all sorts of trouble and has all sorts of adventures (in his head).

Anonymous said...

I heard they were philosophers or something like that?

A bit like a modern day Charlie Brown?

Anonymous said...

Well, they certainly do their fair share of pondering.

You for a second I thought that said " a modern day Gordon Brown". God help us.

Anonymous said...

Codeine's early tonight

Anonymous said...

For some reason this post did not show up in my bloglines.
Very annoyed about that, and while I realize it is not your fault, I think I will take it out on you.

Alright then - the C&H set is beautiful. A co-worker has it, and it looks like a set of gorgeous law books.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean I'm allowed my codeine early tonight?

I might take two and see how many L Word episodes I can get in before falling asleep. Sleeping through the L Word - as if!

Anonymous said...

Cheers Whinger, I consider myself to be chastised and I'll have a word with my feed. It's in my feed though (just the Firefox bookmark one), so it's clearly something to do with Bloglines.

Thanks for the positive comment on the C&H collection - I thought it looked nice at Amazon - better VFM than buying all the individual books too, although there was something nice about having them.

Anonymous said...

It does feel good to have the originals -- you look more like a true collector, but these are display-worthy.

Perhaps you could knock all your parents' knick-knacks to the floor in favor of them.

Anonymous said...

Knock my friggin' parents to the floor.

You know, it's actually hard to believe that people have real lives out there. It must be sooooo nice.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't know, having just heaved myself off the couch to come stare at the workplace's computer.

Anonymous said...

Well, here's a question: would you fancy swapping?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps for a day, but only to observe the sister.

Also, forgot to say that I'm very glad you clarified the Yay's, as I was getting a bit sulky over it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't understand why blogrolling doesn't generally pick yours up, yet my super Firefox live bookmark feed gets the lot.

I love Firefox.

You'd want to be me for a day to experience my sister? You dirty woman! I'm sure what you meant to say was "I'd like to be you for just a day so as I could spend 24hrs watching Max as he slept for its entirity".

Anonymous said...

Sorry, "observe" my sister. I suppose that's enough for anyone.

Anonymous said...

If you're missing Calvin & Hobbes may I recommend the fabulous Mutts?

Anonymous said...

The Mutts have nothing on dear Calvin.

I would not want to interact with your sister, per se. Just be a fly on the wall, really.

And of course cuddling Max would make the entire experience.

Anonymous said...

I will check out the Mutts, thanks Paul.

Max is lovely, really he is. And he's quite the show off when he's awake.

Anonymous said...

The Far Side, by Gary Larson. The dear man has retired from cartooning, but ... that's fine. His work will live on forever.

Anonymous said...

I didn't google for Calvin and hobbes because I was feeling far too lazy.

And I knew you'd enlighten me anyway, if I asked anough.

*trots out, completely disinterested in such shite. I've got the internet, what the fuck would I be doing reading books?*