Tuesday 28 March 2006

Weirdo freak man ahoy

A few weeks ago, me and my sister took off for a walk down the local woods. I had planned to bludgeon her to death and throw her in the river Irwell, but the water levels were too low and she'd have just stuck to some reeds and been discovered before I could make my getaway.

Anyway, as we headed off towards the woods, we passed the entrance to the DIY place over the road and this bloke was parked a bit weird, just sat there:


And in close up...


When we got back an hour or so later, he was still there, being weird and freaky, so I snapped him. He must've been sat there a good 2 to 3 hours before he disappeared.

Then last night, look what I saw again:


He was there for at least an hour again last night? What the hell is he playing at? When he finally buggered off, he drove his car further up towards the goods received entrance and got out:


So I don't know what he was up to, but I was still agitated about him when I got to bed. Then I was woken soon after dropping off by the sound of the police helicopter circling the house. I got a bit paranoid after that.

Why can't people just be normal? Why do folk have to do weird stuff like parking their car the wrong way on the entrance corner of a road, then just sitting in there for hours on end? What is he up to????

I might start a new website called "Seen something weird", where people can post photos of suspicious people or document their sightings of oddness, just in case something bad has coincided with it.

So anyway, if you hear that I've been murdered. Contact the coppers and tell them about Mr Weird. They may give you a crime number if they're not too busy eating biscuits.

I'm going to Wales tomorrow: two day conference in a posh hotel in Anglesey. I'm just saying that in case of concern and false arrests of weird Ford Mondeo drivers due to my lack of blogging. Wait till the fucker actually does something before telling the coppers about him!

I have one, it's a stinker. I blame Tony Blair. Why? Because there no spare capacity in the NHS to buffer things when somebody is sick and the knock-on effect on is that the clinics used to mop patients from cancelled appointments then run TWO HOURS behind. Hence my tea was delayed this evening and when I get hungry, I get a banging headache.

But anyway, I've had a cut and blow on my stitches and I've been discharged. YAY!

Don't know what I'm yaying for, my bloody breast, yes grown up word breast, is murdering me. I won't be doing star jumps for some time yet.

Infinite blogger
I'm being literally inundated with photographs as people wish to participate in the Infinite Blogger Project. I might actually get some with peoples' faces in the shot eventually.

You know in years to come, Infinite Blogger is going to be one of the BIGGEST things to ever hit the internet. Imagine what it'll be like to be part of the first series?


Anonymous said...


That was me.

Do you like my beard?

Anonymous said...

Did his wife throw him out, and now he's living in his car?

When this happens in MY neighborhood, it's a dealer.

Am unsure about your neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

You should phone the local nick and see if there was a reason they flew the copter out and furnish any relevant info. After all, he could be a bank robber or a bomber or something. As a bonus you could get a reward .... and a new identity if it really gets bad.

Mrs C and I had the local police chopper shine the light through the dedroom window one night. Wouldn't've minded but we were shagging by what we thought was the light of the moon.

Anonymous said...

Well that's it, it looks like somebody in disguise. Nice beard herge, but I prefer the specs.

A dealer, no I think people go to certain places and houses and pubs where folk get shot dead to get their stuff. it probably does go on around here, but not to any great extent. Does he look like a dealer to you? Reading the TV QUICK magazine in a bubble hat and a parka? He looks like a freak to me and I don't like him. Perhaps he's my first result from Match.com. Oh Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Oh you romantic thing you!

Anonymous said...

It may be wishful thinking, but could it have been and insurance adjuster checking on the status of your deadbeat sponging neighbors?

Or it could be a stalker. Have fun in Wales. Bet it rains.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I didn't arrange for the copter to drop by and the lights they have on them are really bright.

Anonymous said...


I fear the forces of evil are closing in on you! I will try to prompt the Dehydrated Corpse of Marcus Tal to publish his SUPER BLOGGERS CLUB Coconut Macaroons recipe as soon as possible to aid your cause. Sniffing thei coconutty goodness will suffuse your being with the POWAR to SLAM EVIL!

Kind Regards

Anonymous said...

Bless you for that Marcus.

Anonymous said...

So thats where Uncle Liam was!

Anonymous said...

*hands Tina a bottle of tranquilizers*

oh, and are you going to try to see funny thing while you're there?

( I know, she's in Cardiff, but its a small country right?)

Anonymous said...



No, kg, I'll be running a mile if I see her. Actually I'll be up there next week, so that's a close escape.

I've told my sister and she's gonna keep an eye out, get her fake beard out and run her over if she sees her.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, thanks FT. I think a lot of you too!

Anonymous said...

Ah, you love it.

Anonymous said...

I like you better without the beard Herge.


Anonymous said...

Tina's pulling all yer legs. That was her sister in the car posing. They stole the car just for this blog post, hence the chopper.


tsk tsk, what people will do to popularize their blog these days.

Anonymous said...

You're going to Wales? Have you had your vaccinations?

Anonymous said...

I've just had to walk for half an hour to the public library to do this. I can assure you the rain is still hammering down.

You know, I never notice freeky things like that.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, hard drive finally gave in then, Tickers?
I love the fact that you'll brave the Welsh rain to come and blog but you wont lie down in a flooded garage to put an engine in your only form of transportation.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA he's TOTALLY from match.com. I love it.

PS here the cops eat doughnuts.

Anonymous said...

So you saw me then, sitting in my car watching you. I like to watch.
My doctor tells me it is OK to watch, as long as I don't start using the sharp, sharp, cutting and slicing knives.
I watch you when you are sleeping.

Anonymous said...

He's sitting on the wrong side of the car?