Sunday 12 March 2006


More people die under anaesthetic than they do in waterskiing accidents.

But I'm not at all concerned about that, I'll be fine. Aand I'll be back here, if not tomorrow, definitely the day after that, to tell you how I got on and how much pain/discomfort I'm in. Of course to help with mopping up the seepage, my new friends T&P bought me some of these:

Breast pads

So that'll save on a lot of embarrassment when I'm down the bingo.

But yes, I've just met my first real-life bloggers and they are so LOVELY - for a complete pair of cunts. Just kidding, they're lovely and funny and everything you'd expect from them their blog.

 Tazzy and Piggy

They showered me with gifts and sparkly love...

sparkly love

... and the whole thing was quite literally magical...

Just doin' ma magic
"Am jus' doin' ma magic!"

They're lovely blokes and I'm really glad to have had the chance to meet them before I suffer hypoxic brain damage tomorrow. We discussed all sorts of things: Canadians; our favourite and least favourite bloggers; plans for future blog japes; kidney stones; theme parks...

To find out what they thought, click here.

Of course, even lovely blokes suffer at the hands of humourless bastards and their latest masterpiece podcast has been stripped from their blog because somebody is running a personal vendetta against them and keeps complaining to their webhosts. I don't understand this; if you don't like the content of somebody's blog, don't go back, simple as that. Don't be an utter tosser by running to teacher and complaining just because people find things funny and you don't quite get it, or because you feel left out.


Anyway, if you didn't catch the T&P podcast, you can download it here if I've done it right.

I'd like to thank Tickersoid for a) explaining the derivation of his name and b) sending me an odeo message. I definitely heard noise and voices in the message, but it sounded rather ghostly and I became rather spooked by it all. An excellent edit: this is a brilliant Tickersodeo message. Love it!

I reckon that's it for now. I'll be back with an update post as soon as I'm feeling up to it.


Anonymous said...

Yeh, sorry about that. It might have been better if I had the mic' near my mouth and not tossed into the corner of the room. The poodles weren't being very co-operative either.

Anonymous said...

Look at the lust in Piggys wee eyes,did you not get a pic with you and them init?

Well done on surviving that.

They scrub up well



Good luck for tomorrow.

Where ya put the money?

Anonymous said...

I must say, lovely pics of the boys.

And you? Wasn't there supposed to be a photo of you with the boys?

Faugh! Fine! Deprive me of my expectations!

Anonymous said...

There, had another go at the odeothingy.

You can't hear him but the dogs are barking at Abey Repeat, who happend to be trudging through the snow at the time.

Anonymous said...

Shifty- They dare not give some stranger the camera to get them all in.
In their 'neck of the woods', the blighter would probably have 'made off' with it.

Anonymous said...

Right, yes you're right, there were no photos of the three of us together - it's not the done thing since Piggy has a terrible allergy to female genetalia. Soz about that.

And you're right about not lending cameras out in that neck of the woods: two blokes were shot dead in a pub about 4 miles away from here this afternoon. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Heavens to Betsy! Doesn't Tickersoid sound like Dale Winton?!

I though he was supposed to be Welsh?

I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I'm sure it'll seem like a walk in the park after the P&T encounter!

Anonymous said...

I had another look and I must say that I'm jealous. They've both got such good skin.

Anonymous said...

He does, doesn't he? I thought he sounded FAB, but I loved the poodle ending, it made me howl.

Thank you all for your kind sentiments, but meeting up with T&P really wasn't that bad.

Anonymous said...

Tazzy seems to be wearing an Omega watch. I bet it's a fake, like mine.

Best wishes for tomorrow btw.

Anonymous said...

They're in tip-top condition - apart from Piggy's kidney stone of course.

Anonymous said...

Is piggy really that mahogany colour?

Anonymous said...

Garfer - Well spotted! It IS an Omega watch and unlike yours, it's a REAL one.

You cheapskate cunt!

Piggy is not mahogany - it was the light and he was embarassed.

And yes, being poofs we do have perfect skin.

Jealous bitches!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog - you give good read. tickersoid's doggie thing was priceless. Best wishes for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Remember to leave me anything of value in your will.

Dya reckon you'll be talking like Maxine after the op? Could be quite funny. You might have huge, dangly boobs, too.

Here's to no seepage.

Anonymous said...

Did you remember to pack your best nightie? And a twix? All the best.

Anonymous said...

Dale Winton!!!!!

Bloody hell, I'm more gay than I thought.

Anonymous said...

So the police super' says, "Such shootings are rare."
As I recall the last shooting in that area was 2002, which in a country that doesn't have guns is not rare in my book.

Anonymous said...

Pixs of you modeling the seepage mops in our future?

New heading made me watch a Monty Python film. Love it.

Here's hoping you return soon. I need my daily dose o'Sniffer.

Anonymous said...

Goodness me... the boys had their Sunday bests on didn't they. I believe they wanted to make a good impression.

I bet you T&P have a tanning bed that's why Piggy is that colour.

Did Piggy bring his kidney stone for you to examine?

Remember... you can't die until after Canada. Good luck tomorrow Sniffmeister.

Anonymous said...

what?!? who'd have the nerve to complain over such a thing...oooh and I meant to comment on it over at T&P's but forgot, I too Tina am a measly 5'4" being of the shorter variety doesn't it? People often don't see me in crowds and walk right on into me...matter of fact, often wondered how I'd fare in piccidilly circus, perhaps you have suggestions for me should I ever get to go?

Anonymous said...

Great photos of the boys T.
I can't listen to the odeo from work so will have to try another time. I wonder how long it will take at 1 byte per second? :-)

Anonymous said...

The odeo shouldn't take too long, but don't even attempt the podcast - at 20MB, you've got no chance of hearing it before Christmas.

Anonymous said...

ah, just heard the odeo-love it. The poodles are those little ankle biter ones aren't they? Cute.

Now we need to get funny thing to send you an odeo so I can hear an actual welsh accent. You're anglo aren't you tickersoid?