Wednesday 1 March 2006

Time machine

Sometimes you think about the decisions you've made during your life and there are some that you wish you'd thought about a little bit more before taking the plunge. These seem like minor decisions at the time, but they turn out to have quite an impact on your later life.

It'd be nice to have a time machine so you could revisit certain points in your past, not to interfere with things too much, but just to give you the opportunity to leave yourself a note...

  • 1982: MOVE AWAY FROM THAT PASTY! Your mum is cooking a big tea and you don't need pasty, chips and gravy on top of it at lunchtime. A sandwich will tide you over just fine. Oh, and make a bit of an effort in PE, you lazy slob.
  • 1986: Don't agree to go out with Glenn, you're only doing it because Mark asked you as a favour to him. You know you don't fancy him and you're being unfair to both of you. You know that you're just waiting to see who you meet at 6th form... and you know damn well you're not thinking about the lads you might meet there.
  • 1987: Put that application in to go to Cambridge. It may seem too far from your family, but you'll get used to it. It'll be a great opportunity and those posh birds are well up for it.
  • 1987: You might like biology, but you should think about chemical engineering - or how about biting the bullet and going for medicine? It might not be as bad as you think.
  • 1991: Stay here in Leeds, you're happy here. Don't listen to those idiots who are telling you to move away. Where the fuck is Warwick anyway?
  • 1991: Oh, and you need to get to the gym a bit more and cut back on the booze.
  • 1991: Do NOT, NOT, NOT go into that shop and buy any fags! Stay in the fucking car.
  • 1991: Go knock on Ela's bedroom door and see if she's got any fags, but take your time to leave - strike up a conversation! Get in there...
  • 1992: You know this isn't for you. You should've stayed in Leeds, but that can't be helped now. Quit while you're ahead and a PGCE.
  • 1993: Go on... see about doing a PGCE.
  • 1994: When was the last time you went to a gym? Look at you, you fat git!
  • 1994: Don't leave that note calling the security guard a spastic, just don't do it.
  • 1994: Do you really need to go to the pub every night in the week?
  • 1995: You need to cut back on the booze and stop eating so much.
  • 1996: You really need to watch what you're drinking - and you're eating too much.
  • 1997: You'll be a size 24 soon, do you really need chips and gravy on top of 10 pints of Strongbow and a full dinner?
  • 1997: Don't get any closer to the boss. You're drunk, he's drunk, you're both pissed off at each other. Get the Jacob Marley image right out of your head this second!
  • 1998: You need to cut down on the booze and get some exercise.
  • .....
  • .....
  • ......
You see the pattern?

Blimey, what a nagging bastard I am. You see, what I really needed was somebody to look after me.

A time machine would be really useful for me to go back and kill Patsy Kline before she sang Crazy. I'd also snuff Jennifer Rush and Andrew Lloyd Webber. These bastards are responsible for providing my neighbour's repertoire of songs that she belts out at all times of day and night. Stupid, useless, parasitic, fucking wench and stain on society that she is.

She's this horrible, cackling bitch who thinks she can sing a couple of songs and so lets rip every now and again. I was trying to sleep the other night when she started her rendition of Crazy (for loving you) and The Power of Love at 10.45pm - in the room of their house that adjoins my bedroom. Not that I'm awake at 5.30am for work or anything. Of course, they don't quite get the concept of "work" since they don't have to bother with it, what with us paying for their luxury lifestyle with our taxes and everything.

Why? Who is she trying to impress? She won't be fucking impressed if she does it again and get a fucking ASBO slapped on her sorry fat arse.



Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

That's all.

Continue on to the scum newlow.

Anonymous said...


I meant 'BELOW'

Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Man. I just heard this song on the radio about looking back and here you are with this post. The song is "Photograph" by Nickelback and it's time to say goodbye... every memory looking out the backdoor ... it's time to say it ... goodbye....

Anonymous said...

Yey I'm ....third. I would've been second if 'piggys' fingers weren't so fat.

Crazy, I like that, but at least I have the decency to restrict it to Karaoke down the pub.

Anonymous said...

Bollocks, Indianiynk beat me to it. Now I'm fourth.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when people ruin perfectly good songs. Crazy is a classic, but I can see how it would go horribly awry with bad associations.

Also, it would be great fun to periodically receive notes from my future self. But I wonder if I would follow any of them.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she is serenading you Sniffy?

"For I am your Laddiiieeee....?"




Anonymous said...

SID, I swear I could hear you singing clear up here in Minnesota! The crystal shattered!

Anonymous said...

Fuck that, I wouldn't touch the scummy bitch with a flamethrower. Well, perhaps a flame thrower or cattle prod. When you said "Kill her", do you think it'd hold up in a court of law?

Anonymous said...

What exactly is a pasty? I'm enamored with the UK english to the point that I can't focus on the rest, even though I so desperately want to. I'm envisioning a sugary-sweet thingy that strippers wear, but I know that's not it.

Anonymous said...

A pasty is a little pastry parcel filled with vomit.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing I like better than an individual prepared to seize the day with her fat pudgy little fingers and order another ten pints of Strongbow.

You should have done a PGCE. The little mongs need some chastisement.

Anonymous said...

I see P&T and I, use the same bakery

Anonymous said...


There are days where I would love to magically wake up in my 17 year old self but knowing everything I know now. I know I wouldn't have gotten married at the tender age of 20, that's for sure! And I'd have had more fun. Wild oats would be sown.

Anonymous said...

Oh there btw... I left a fucking comment.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh the things I could change. Like the time... oh forget it. It would be handy wouldn't it?

As for pasties... I refuse to ever thrust one in my mouth. They look disgusting and I could never demoralize myself like that.

*the donkey was bad enough*

Anonymous said...

Cheers April, it means so much.

A pasty is a pastry parcel that is filled with savoury meat and potato (or cheese). I like them, so fuck off.

ASBO = antisocial behaviour order (a bit of paper that's supposed to stop scumbags causing trouble)
PGCE = postgraduate certificate in education (PG teaching qualificaton)

CUNT = my neighbours

Anonymous said...

Greggs vegetable pasties are sent from heaven. I could MURDER one right now instead of my sad little diet breakfast.

Remember Dawn French in Murder Most Horrid? there was a time machine one where she went back to try to stop herself accidently killing her husband. Fantastic!
It all went horribly wrong, btw.

I've got it on video if anyone wants to nip round to watch it with me.

(Bring a telly and a video recorder)

Anonymous said...

I'm from Salford and my Mum's from Liverpool, I don't think there'd be any problem with me getting hold of a TV and video.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you don't have a garage full of them.

I bet you're a regular visitor to Cash Converters too.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I missed my opportunity to say 'I'm from my mummy's womb'.

Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and assuming a natural childbirth, just think what else of your mother's you've been privy to!

Anonymous said...

raises eyes...

...the things you find when you:

a) are working from home and no-one's watching what website you're looking at,
b) bored with writing yet another design document which no-one else will ever read,
c) decide to go back on Friends Reunited and see who's on there
d) think to yourself: "didn't Tina used to have an entry on here"
e) type Tina's name into google
f) find Tina's flickr page
g) find Tina's blog (v. funny, BTW)
h) randomly browse some blog entries
i) find out that you only went out with me 'cos Mark asked you to as a favour...

That gentle hissing sound you can hear is my ego deflating!