Tuesday 14 March 2006

Tesco's dead parrot

After I'd woken up from my anaesthetic yesterday, I was given the opportunity to have a bit of a snooze before being given a cup of coffee and some toast. I started to feel more human with every minute, but couldn't see (no specs) and I was curious to see whether I'd had any text messages. A neighbour of mine works in the hospital and is ALWAYS present, whenever I happen to be there - no matter what area or circumstance. He was there yesterday, so I called him over and asked if he wouldn't mind reaching into my pocket for my glasses and my mobile; he passed them to me.

One text message from mother: "Are you sleepy? Some flowers have come from Trillion."

Eh, flowers? For ME? I was thrilled. You see, Trillion is lovely; she has the most enormous heart and I love her to absolute bits. She'd phoned on Saturday to ask if there hadn't been delivery for me, so I realised that this must've been it. What a lovely gesture.

Anyway... in the car on the way home, I asked Mum about the flowers. "Well, there's a problem you see. It says on the box that they should've been delivered on Saturday. And they aren't packed in water. And they only came today. And, well, they're all dead."

Indeed they were.

Despite being groggy and tired and sore, I decided to kick some serious arse with the people the flowers had come from. Yes, that's right, good old TESCO.

I phoned them up. Their customer services centre seems to be in Scotland, so this automatically got my back up as I realised I probably wouldn't be able to understand who I was speaking to. Great. If anybody wants to hear what sort of accent you have to deal with, then phone this number and use the automated menus to navigate to "Tesco Extra" before hanging up: 08457 225533.

Me: "Hello, I've had some flowers sent to me by a friend as wonderful gesture because I've been in hospital for an operation and I've just got out. They should have been delivered on Saturday, but they came today and they're all dead."

Tesco: "Can I have the order number please?" I gave it to him. "Well, it only says Saturday delivery as a guide, it could mean any time... can't be guaranteed."

Me: "No, it says quite clearly on the box, with a yellow sticker: "DELIVERY SATURDAY". That means deliver Saturday to me."

Tesco: "Well, what we suggest is that you put them in water for 24hr and then phone back"

Me: "And what is that going to achieve, apart from a mess in the kitchen? These flowers are dead, there's no going back, they ain't gonna do a Lazarus on us. Dead, do you understand? Have you seen the Monty Python Dead Parrot sketch? Well, substitute the parrot for these flowers. THEY ARE DEAD and they will still be dead in 24 hr."

Tesco: "But the policy set by our suppliers says they need to be left for 24 hr before we can do anything."

Me: "Who is your supplier?"

Tesco: "I'm not allowed to tell you that."

Me: "What is this, the KGB? Can I speak to your supervisor please?"

Tesco: "I'm the manager here."

Me: "Right, well I know all about the training they make you go on, how you're told to think about the motivations of and the perspectives of the people who phone you up. Most people don't phone to congratulate you, they phone because there is a problem that needs resolving. Telling them to wait 24hr on dead flowers is not helping people, it is winding them up.

And then I did it, shame on me, but I did it...

"Could you imagine if your mum, sister, girlfriend had been in hospital to have a breast lump removed and they came home to find that somebody had sent them dead flowers? How do you think that would make them feel?

Tesco: "I understand and it's not acceptable."

Me: "Why are these things not packed in water like you get from Marks and Spencer or Interflora?"

Tesco: "The ones that are sent by courier are packed in water, those sent by Royal Mail are sent frozen."

Me: "I don't understand why there's a difference, they should be packed exactly the same, no matter what the method of delivery is. This gets more ridiculous by the second."

Tesco: "All I can do is suggest that you give them 24hr, I can't do anything until then."

Me: Well there's leadership for you. Where were you when they bombed Plymouth? "Well, they've already been given 48 hours and they are dead, and they will be dead tomorrow.

"I will call back tomorrow, as will the person who ordered these for me. She is going to be very upset about this and if you think that dealing with me had been bad, just wait till she phones you up.

"And what you need to do is take the transcript from this telephone call and pass it on to your mysterious supplier and tell them that they are inept."

Tesco: "Ok, well I'm sorry that I couldn't be any more help."

You fucking will be.

Round two
So now that 24 hours have passed, I've just phoned them up to tell them what to do with their flowers.

Me: "I phoned yesterday to complain that I'd been delivered some dead flowers that should've arrived on Saturday. I was told that, despite the fact that they're dead, I have to leave them 24hr."

Tesco: "That's correct."

Me: "But it isn't correct though, is it? What's the point of leaving dead flowers for 24hrs to see if they perk up?"

Tesco: "I meant, that's our procedure."

Me: "Well your procedure is wrong. Anyway, surprisingly enough, they're still dead and I want some action taking.

"First of all, you've got to pass this message onto your supplier to tell them that they are rubbish and that they have no idea how to pack flowers. Better still, change your supplier to one who knows what they're doing.

"This "give them 24hr in water" thing is ludicrous. Who on earth wants flowers delivering that look half dead? They're supposed to arrive in tip top condition. Mother's day is coming up in a couple of weeks, can you imagine all the mums in the land being delivered half-dead flowers and having to wait until the Monday before they can appreciate them? It's not on."

Tesco: "So what did the flowers look like?"

Me: "Well, you know what dead roses look like? They look like that: shrivelled up petals, wilted leaves and stems. Like something that's been at a graveside for a couple of weeks."

Tesco: "I'll certainly pass that on. How would you like to proceed?"

Me: "Well, I certainly don't want any Tesco flowers, but I want you to give a full refund to the person who sent them to me and I want you to give her some compensation too."

Tesco: "Ok then, we'll certainly do that: a full refund and a good will gesture."

So long as they don't think a good will gesture is a bunch of flowers.

Fucking morons.

The thing is, I love Tesco, it's one of my favourite shops in the (my) entire world. Tesco is one of Britain's best ever retail success stories and it deserves to be - the stores are great. I hate having to knock them, but things like this really get on my scarred and painful tits.


Anonymous said...

How sweet of Trillion, how naff of Tesco's.

I bought some flowers late yesterday in Tesco's. It was one of those, 'Oh shit, I forgot,', guy things. ( I am very ashamed of myself ) They all looked like they'd been through a rugby scrum.

Anonymous said...

Good, sounds like your back to normal! and I spotted a "Kitty" reference as well.

Anonymous said...

The ones in the store are lovely; really good quality flowers. I think they use the older ones from the stores and pack them up for delivery to people who could've died on the operating table!

Anonymous said...


Dead flowers arriving via Royal Mail. Who would ever have guessed?

Any they 'freeze' them before posting them? For fucks sake, surely thats guaranteed to kill the poor things.

They would have looked good at a graveside though.

Especially if some tumbleweed was rolling by in the wind.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I had to throw a Kitty in there.

Anonymous said...

Well, ultimately, it is Royal Mail's fault, but Tesco are supposed ensure the reliability of all the parties in these little schemes.

Like I said, they looked like they'd already spent a week by a graveside.

It's such a shame, but it's definitely the gesture that counts and just the message that I'd had some flowers sent to me really perked me up yesterday.

Anonymous said...

We nearly sent you some flowers too.

But thought of better things to spend the money on.

And ours would have been from Waitrose (our fave shop).

If we'd sent them, of course.

Which we didn't.

We had fish and chips instead.

And they were yummy.

Anonymous said...

Well, it was lovely just meeting you on Sunday, flowers would've made me pee with glee.

Waitrose is OK (pricey), but I prefer Sainsbury's for posh supermarket. Tesco is still my fave, despite all this.

Anonymous said...

Sainsbury's posh? I've seen and heard it all now!

They wouldn't know 'posh' if it broke their kneecaps with a hockey stick!

Waitrose is indeed pricey, but their quality is top-notch. As is their customer service. They rightly knocked M&S off their little platform.

We like Tesco too. It's just too far away. Morrisons is only down the street, so it suffices.

M&S is our next fave.

Sainsbury's is shite.

Unlike Waitrose' Orange curd (not that cheap and nasty lemon curd stuff). Fucking gorgeous, it is.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had half your attitude when returning defective merchandise.

And I love that you pulled the breast card and used it! Way to lay on the guilt.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Bronwen, her breasts fell on deaf ears.

I like the sound of that.

Sainsbury's is poo.

Anonymous said...

That's always been the problem with my breasts - never impressive enough to get me anywhere. And now one of them has been mutilated and is v bruised and v sore.

Anonymous said...

Talking of breasts and ears, is it just me or did anyone else, ever have the image in their minds, of Prince Charles with Diana's breasts cupped one in each ear?

Anonymous said...

I can't say that that particular image ever entered my mind, but I can't speak for everyone else...

Anonymous said...

Tickersoid is revealing his perverset thoughts by the, erm, bucketload at the moment.

The dirty cunt.

And the pain will be gone soon, Sniffy. You'll be laughing at your tit's again soon.

Like we do.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why, but I never thought that it'd hurt. Gawd, it hurts all right.

Anonymous said...

Did I just say 'perverset'?

Fuck's sake. Damn these fingers.

I was telepathetically feeling your pain and it momentarily altered my feel for the keyboard.

Anonymous said...

Pain is your friend.


I just read an article that says it's goint to get worse over the next few days.

The effects last about 8 months from what I was just reading. The pain levels peaking at about month 5.

I hear jelly babies (especially the red ones) work wonders.

*skips daintily out of the room, pain free, with not a care in the world*

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, just you wait until Mr Kidney Stone wakes up again and cuts your insides to ribbons as he comes out to say hello.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hrrrmmm? What's that supposed to mean?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully they will follow through. Do you all have small claims court in Britan, you know for things like this?

Anonymous said...

Yes we have, but we also have a TV programme calle "Watchdog" which is brilliant at putting pressure on companies on behalf of Mr and Mrs Average.

Anonymous said...

I think Shitty.Clit was just revealing her fetish for kidney stones.

Perverts. They're everywhere today.

Anonymous said...

No, I had peanut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth. Hard to type, ya know.

P&T, enough with the shitty nickname. Please.

Anonymous said...


*just a wee one mind*

*wonders where everyones sense of humour is today*

Anonymous said...

I thought it was funny, no offence intended.

Anonymous said...

YAY YAY YAY, IT WORKS!!!! Everybody check out song of the day in the sidebar!!!!!

I can take requests... and so long as I like the requested song, I might include it.

I think song of the day might turn into song of the week though.

I thought it was funny too. Although I can imagine a shitty clit being a bit itchy.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Motherfucking Christ, you've got to be kidding with that song, right? It's a joke, right?

Anonymous said...

And just what is wrong with it?

Anonymous said...

Disco music? You guys really are behind the times... how odd.

Anonymous said...

I'm open to requests...

Anonymous said...

Anything Queen

Anonymous said...

Of course, should've known. I'll see what I can do.

Anonymous said...

Why you calling tina a queen?

Anonymous said...

Why you calling tina a queen?

Anonymous said...

I've just had a rummage around your blog and I can't find a song in your side bar.

Is it just me?

Anonymous said...

I just find it so funny that they think another 24 hours might revive dead flowers. Still snuffling about it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Tickersoid is missing a few plugins?

Or maybe his security settings are a little too high?

Anonymous said...

Kelly Marie????

For fucks sake. And you had the nerve to whine at mine earlier?

Anonymous said...

Ok, OK, I've changed it and added more categories. Don't blame me if they take forever to load though.

Whinging bastards.

Anonymous said...

Tesco = Fucktards

1 in 3 Sainsbury's = Splendid! (I say one in three because out of the three Sainsbury's in Norwich, only one is. The other two are full of retarded, inbred, chav-mongs).

Anonymous said...

YAY! Thanks for Rocky. I just damned near blew my speakers out though, not your fault. I'm in the midst of a live webcast with Microsoft and the volume is different. Shite! I'll have to listen to it later (Queen, not MS - gotta pay attention to them right now, 'tis my job ya know)

Anonymous said...

I know, some one introduced a breeding pair.

Anonymous said...

Hrrrm, something's gone a bit weird with tunebite and the sound settings are slightly off - set at "blow your speakers" for some reason... Back in a bit.

Anonymous said...

Frozen flowers? WTF's that all about? What do you do with them, rejuvenate them in the microwave?

Glad to hear that your recuperation does not preclude gving a bollocking to a call centre mong.

I didn't send you any flowers, but I can forward a couple of tree trunks if that's of any interest.

Anonymous said...

Where have all the flowers gone?
Gone to graveyards, every one.

Where have all the pics gone???

Anonymous said...

tickersoid said 'scrum' which looks too much like 'scrotum' when one is scanning comments.

Anonymous said...

Pics? What you mean "pics"? What do you want pics of? I had a look at where they cut me and the scar is right next to nipple so there aren't going to be any photos appearing on here. There's no way that my nipples are going on the internet, thankyouverymuch.

I've given you music instead.

Just sayin' - it's YOU! You cheeky thing, changing your name and confusing me.

Anonymous said...

What, P&T can't give you Photoshop lessons? You could send the photos to them, then, and THEY could remove the nipple. I'm certain you trust the cunts, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Are you out of your fucking mind? There's no way I'm letting them see my bosom!

Anonymous said...

Hows you feeling now anyway sniff?

Anonymous said...

Oh and music good!

Anonymous said...

It's just as well Just Sayin' is my age and American.

You wouldn't want him taking up Rugby.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know anyone used the word 'bosom' any more.

Anonymous said...

SO glad to see you back, and with a vengeance, no less.

Am also pleased to note that the lump was not the source of all your power.