Tuesday 7 March 2006

"Stop, stop! My embryos!!"

When I was a PhD student, there were quite a few characters in the lab where I worked; some good, some not so good, most very interesting and entertaining. There was a particular Romanian double-act that always provided much amusement, but also stacks of irritation and tension.

It's unfortunate that I can't really name either of the pair involved, but anybody who's particularly interested can e-mail me for more details. The couple consisted of a PhD student and her supervisor. The student, "Marianna", was a medic (obs & gobs I think), but she'd come to the UK to work on her PhD with, oh fuck it, "Marcella".

Marianna was the oddest person you could ever meet; she was quite tall, but always spoke to you as if you were the most revered person on the planet, bowing down to, but invading your personal space a little too much. She spoke in a high-pitch, monotone, whisper - anybody who has heard the cosmetic surgery junkie character Maxine Bendix in Tittybangbang will know how Marianna spoke.

She was highly suspicious of everyone: she was convinced that Marcella was in cahoots with the KGB because she had managed to leave Romania during the Ciaocescu regime - "But nobody else could get out!" she complained. She once tore down a newspaper cutout from the Daily Mirror because she thought it was an instrument of the Communist Party. She was also very supersticious of everything and generally rather weird: a housemate of hers told of a time when they'd gone down to the kitchen to find her on all fours, cleaning over the kitchen floor with the two cut halves of a white cabbage.

Marianna's relationship with her boss was very strained. It didn't help that the both of them had the most horrendous tempers and things degenerated to such an extent that they would often engage in screaming at each other in the lab.

But Marianna was fab. She was doing work on embryos. That's right, the things that are made when daddy plants his seed in mummy. She mainly used mouse embryos, but would occasionally need to go to the hospital (which was a fair way out) to pick up human embryos - they were the excess from IVF and deemed unfit for implantation, but the patients had given their consent for them to be used for research. There was a slight problem in that Marianna didn't drive and so she had to catch the bus to pick up her embryos from the hospital and then transport them back to the lab in a portable, battery powered incubator. On one occasion, the bus was either stuck in traffic, or it broke down and this coincided with a battery pack failure on the embryo incubator. She retold the story to the lab, how she'd pleaded with the bus driver: "But my embryos, my embryos! I need to get my embryos back safely!"

8 cell embryo

Every time I'd try to use a flow cabinet, she'd be hovering near me or rushing about: "I need it, you see, my embryos!". Oh for fuck's sake. Anything for a quiet life and a 3 hour coffee break.

She was an absolute darling and was treated extremely unfairly. I guess she just didn't help herself with her attitude towards her boss and her general level of being a bit of a fruitcake.

My embryos!
Rightly or wrongly, the European Court of Human Rights has judged that an infertile woman can't use her frozen embryos because her partner at the time of the treatment has withdrawn his consent.

I agree in respect of the fact that consent must be given freely for all stages of the treatment. Let's face it, the potential father would have absolutely no chance of trying to force his ex partner to undergo embryo transfer if she'd changed her mind, so I don't see why it should be any different the other way round.

On the other hand, I bet there are a load of fathers out there who wish they could be given a second chance and not have children with previous partners.

Quick count
Guess how many posts Cakesniffers contains (as of this point) and win a prize!


Anonymous said...

My guess is 467

Anonymous said...

We guess 3.

Because we don't want a box of frozen Sniffy embryos!

Anonymous said...

Well, you can guess the prize too if you so wish.

As if I'd give my genetic lifeline away so cheaply. I would never give you custody of a mini-me, no matter how embryonic I was. There's no way you'd be able to handle the hair.

Anonymous said...


Can I have my suede jacket (sans tassles) please.

I had an embryonic idea for a post the other day, but I aborted it.

Anonymous said...

Ho ho ho, what a wit you are.

I think you'd look a bit of a girl in that jacket Garfer, but check TK Maxx out, they may have one that fits you.

Anonymous said...

You shop at DISCOUNT stores?

I shall introduce you to my tailor (Sammy, Hong Kong). He has dressed several celebrities including Sonia out of Eastenders, Graham Norton, April's Donkey, and James Blunt.

You can't go wrong.

Anonymous said...


Wonderful story about the embryos. Am actually surprised people let the discarded ones be tested. People are usually so testy about the IVF.

Anonymous said...

Hi Whinger. I suppose there are plenty of people who won't let their embryos be used for research, no matter how unviable (that doesn't look like a word) they might be. The regulatory authority and ethics committees are also VERY keen to know that people are protected from any undue upset as far as use of their embryos is concerned.

A lot of research is reliant on the good nature of a lot of people and we all have to be thankful to them for that.

You're all so very wrong with the post count.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a problem with the unviable (it IS a nasty word) embryo testing. I just thought that if there's a sub-section of society that becomes irrational in their emotionally turbulent lives, it's people who are trying to get pregnant and are having a tough time.

I'm glad to know that there are some who are willing to donate.

Anonymous said...

And I'll jump the count to 515.

Anonymous said...

It is a very emotive subject, but rational folk who are going through IVF realise that advances and better treatments and success rates in future rely on their good will. The people involved in that area are very skilled and very dedicated. In fact, I'd say that most medical researchers are doing it for the longterm benefit of patients - they do tend to have the right motives and I wish most people could appreciate this.

Still wrong, but warmer.

Anonymous said...

How, in the name of God, can 512 be warmer than 499?

For a moment there I thought you were refering to IVF specialists work being 'warmer' but wrong.

I'm going for 501.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I actually left a clue to this a few weeks ago. Shows you how much attention people pay.

Anonymous said...

Clearly no attention paid at all.

And look at me sucked into playing your game.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think its fair that a partner can withdraw consent. In our legal system anyway it seems that the males, in particular get screwed over by women's reproductive control.

guessing 569

Anonymous said...

Ooh I like games. 567?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

That'd be scary... she use his embryos and then sue him for paternal support...

Freaky deaky, what with this new tech naw lojee and all.

666, it being my number and all.


Anonymous said...

Now that the State of South Dakota has banned all abortions, the woman in the U.K news today should hop over here shortly. As there will be unwanted babies popping up under cars, in the supermarket, in the phone booth down the road etc, she could buy one easily enough.

Anonymous said...

Whinger and fukkit are closest.

Anonymous said...

600 it has to be significant..yes?

Anonymous said...


Can you mix and match embryos?

Say, Victoria Beckhams brain, Jabba the Hut's looks and Saddam's temper, to make John Prescotte.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are no posts. Zero, zilch, nada.

I'm in a coma and none of this is real.

I so hope I'm right.

Anonymous said...


Or maybe you're deliberately misleading us and it's 550 million, squillion googolplex.

I feel that I'm very warm now.

Anonymous said...

Ok, it's 551.

You all deserve a prize for taking part in this ever-so-annoying game.

But you might not actually get it here. We'll see....

Anonymous said...

You are a great storyteller. It would not surprise me if a movie was made of your tales. Poo and all. The story of the embryos is a fascinating tale complete with intrigue.
Loved your piquant pictures, however none included a view of the nagnificent ass that you are so proud of. How about a full body shot.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that's very kind. A look through the archives will show up a photo of my bum, you won't be able to miss it, I promise.

Anonymous said...

1 1/2 because that's all I can fucking see. Half of the last post and then the big shell sign. 1.5 - what do I win?