Thursday 2 March 2006

Sometimes a cup a soup and a load of fruit just won't do

On just about every day that I work, I have roughly the same thing for my lunch (dinner, as we call it up here):
  • Minestrone cup-a-soup
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 apples
The variety of fruit changes with the season and I can't wait for nectarine and plum time; I'm getting a bit fed up of Russian Roulette Braeburns and labour-intensive oranges. I don't know where Tesco are sourcing their braeburns at the moment, but that last few batches have been bloody horrible - sour and powdery at the same time.

People tell me that I don't have enough to eat at lunchtime, especially since I never have a breakfast and I'm up from about 5.30am. The thing is, you can have a sandwich, pot of yoghurt and some fruit and you still end up starving hungry by 4pm for triple the calorific intake.

But today I've had my cup-a-soup - it was OK. I've endured two apples; they weren't particularly bad, but they didn't do much to satisfy me and I managed to chew a couple of pips too (apple pips contain cyanide you know). I'm looking at the remains of my lunch as it threatens me from inside a carrier bag on my desk: three orange things waiting to make a mess and cause my eyes to water. I don't think I can cope with them today. I need a king size Twix...

...and chips and gravy.

A bit about avian flu
Having walked past the pond on my way back from my constitutional wander to the shops, it dawned on me that it's hardly any wonder that there's a concern about bird flu. Those ducks are stupid: they were all there, wandering around barefoot with snow up to their knees; jumping in to the freezing water, even diving right below the surface.

Cold ducks

Catch their deaths, so they will. They need to be wrapped up warm with their feet up in front of Trisha, not messing about outside in the cold weather.

A complaint
I had another altercation with smokers in the entrance to my local hospital yesterday, so I e-mailed the hospital to ask if nothing could be done about these antosocial, fucktard scumbags. I got a nice reply today - very prompt of them - saying they were really tired of the problem, but are trying other initiatives to ensure that smokers use the shelters provided. The woman who e-mailed me then went on to say: "... however the culture of the catchment area is containing a high percentage of smokers who do not take kindly to being asked to move elsewhere." In other words, they'e a bunch of fucking scumbags who give abuse whenever they're told to do anything.

We'll see.

It's not as if I'm even that bothered about it; I can tolerate cigarette smoke, having enjoyed up 50 a day myself in my life. It's just the principle of the thing (I would never smoke where it was prohibited) and the fact that the fuckers act like "Am ah bovvered??" abusive teenage shits whenever you challenge them. They're like a different species, they are definitely sub-human in their ability to communicate and process simple logic - or rather, inability to do so in anything other than the manner of a juvenile. Perhaps lighting up in that particular spot could trigger something to seal off the area and pump a load of toxic gas in there?

I was really surprised when I got off the motorway to find the ground thick with a covering of snow. Then again, it had been forecast and everywhere else has been getting it over the past couple of days.


It was freezing when I left home this morning: -3°C and the car was thick with ice, but it was lovely and bright. Of course the motorways had been gritted and as soon as I picked up speed, my windscreen got covered in salt spray. The temperature gauge told me it was still below zero outside. Why then did I try to use my screenwash, knowing that it'd be frozen? The result of this was a couple of sweeps of the wipers over the windscreen that the smeared salt over the entire glass. Couldn't see a fucking thing for the next ten miles of my journey.

Use the force, Luke.


Anonymous said...

1) King Sized Twix. I just avoided the temptation this very morning on the way to work to buy that.

2) Doesn't your windshield fluid have antifreeze in it? That's standard up here in NorthEast U.S.

3) Put on a gas mask when you go to the hospital. Then spray some noxious gas in the air as you walk by the fucktards.


Anonymous said...


Standard sized Twix sufficed.

I have very concentrated screenwash (about a 15-20% solution). The problem arises when the stuff in the jets and the pipes freezes because it has a lower volume and you know all about how chemistry works and volume and freezing rate and stuff. I could lag my tubes I suppose.

Fucking hospital scumbag fucktards. Ban them all from NHS services for life. That's what I'd do to the fuckers.

Anonymous said...

What's the point of eating loads of horrible apples if you then eat a (regular size, granted) Twix?

That's like having lettuce on your pizza.

...Is density a qualification requirement of being English?

*heh heh*

Anonymous said...

at least you're tall enough to see out your window tina. do you suppose funny thing sits on a pillow?

I have some particulary noxious perfume that I wish I'd sent to you for tormenting the bad it went to the second hand store. :-)

Anonymous said...

What exactly were you wanting to do with the king sized Twix, eh? And don't give us any of that nonsense like 'eat it'. We know different.

I once ate a Mars bar out of someones arse. It was a long time ago, but I can still taste it now. The difficulty was in knowing when the Mars bar ended and, erm, well let's just say I stopped in time.

Our windscreen washer fluid has frozen this morning too. It's a fucking bastard that is.

And we have no snow! Where the fuck is all the snow? It certainly isn't in Barnsley. I want it to snow here.

Apples. Urrrgh. I hate the fucking things.

Anonymous said...

I really hate to comment after The Pig, but so be it.

"Do as I say, not as I do" comes to mind. I think all people should do as I say, or get the hell out of the way. Makes me a bit difficult at times.

Anonymous said...

I reckon that FT must be a bit fick. If she'd read the post she'd have known that, having eaten my apples, I decided that I wasn't satisfied and that I wanted something extra so went for the Twix in a "healthy eating be blown" moment of madness.

And I don't regret it.

No snow in Manchester either, just v cold.

I think that Indiana Jones one is a bit of a stroppy bird. I bet she's a nightmare in real life.

Anonymous said...

Yea, a nightmare you never wake up from.

What's a 'stroppy bird'?

Anonymous said...

"bird" = woman
"stroppy" = prone to having a strop (tantrum) der. obstroperous.

Anonymous said...

I must say, is that a bit of the pot calling the kettle black?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I had that crappy dirty window this morning too....but guess what stupid thing I did trying to clean same?

Emptying water from bottle + out of open window + driving at 70mph = Soaking wet arm.

Bastard winter.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, Indiewhatever. Think what you like.

SID - tres stupid of you, but quite amusing for us.

Anonymous said...

I am riveted by the case of Tina vs. the Hospital Smokers. Do keep us posted.

I do hope you have an updated list of Reasons You Hate Tesco soon. I am growing concerned as I recently read an article where they are going to come to the U.S. and attempt to compete with Wal-Mart. And while I do not shop at Wal-Mart, I do not need another store just like it that is reportedly discrimatory toward Pepsi and non-rotten fruit moving in.

Anonymous said...

Twix bars are well-known for destroying your braincells.

You're up against it, aren't you, T?
You're fighting an accident of genetics and naughty food.


Anonymous said...

What braincells?

Her head has a filling of mashed potato. Way too many carbohydrates to be healthy.

Anonymous said...

I say drop kick the smokers next time you walk by and then run like hell. They'll all pass out due to exhaustion. Dirty bastards.

mashed spuds nay, cornish pasties.

Anonymous said...

I know FT, it's not easy for me, but I've done OK considering it all.

It's -6°C outside at the moment. Brrrrr.