Friday 10 March 2006

Sick leave

I'm almost officially on sick leave. It's a weird thing, "planned sick leave", I don't feel comfortable with it. There are some people who actually count their sick leave as an entitlement and ensure that they take their full count of days each year. Lazy fucking scumbags.

I feel really odd taking the week off when I could easily be fine by Tuesday, or Wednesday at the latest. But that's what I've been told to take off by various colleagues and managers, so I'm not going to argue with anybody.

So... you spend the week before you finish much as you would if you were taking annual leave: making sure that any deadlines that occur during your leave are met beforehand; having a general tidy up; letting folk know various bits in case there are any queries. But this is different to the run up to annual leave: you're not demob happy, you're just stressed; there's very a slim chance that you might not be coming back, either on the date you plan, or at all. So, you have to prepare people a bit more and get the work ready for the week that you're due back too, as well as telling colleagues what to do with it.

Of course, should I die, all my colleagues will be too distraught to even contemplate doing any work and they'll be given the week off for mourning. More importantly, they'll need that week off to get their outfits sorted for my fantastic funeral.

There will need to be lots of wailing as my coffin is carried to the altar and then off to the graveside. We might have to arrange a video link showing clips of little baby animals being eaten by big predators, or slaughtered in abattoirs to ensure there are enough decibels of snivling.

Take a chance
There's a slim chance of me having a reaction to the anaesthetic and there being complications that result in death. This chance isn't peculiar to me, most normal people are exposed to the same risk and the chance of something going wrong is slim for everyone, but increases if you carry certain risk factors, such as being a pathetic asthmatic, a big fat bloater, having heart disease, kidney stones, etc.

"As with all anaesthetics, there's a very small chance of complications, but it happens very rarely", the doctor told me.

"Oh yes, I know that, and that's fine, but in reality you either have a reaction to the anaesthetic or you don't, so the odds are 50:50, aren't they?"

Think on and look sharp.

A very special day
Sunday could turn out to be a very special day. If all goes to plan, kidney stones and map-reading permitting, I should be having tea with my two favourite poofs. I am very excited about this. So much so that I'm taking them to my favourite restaurant - well I'm meeting them there because Piggy is too scared to come here and meet Connie.

It's a good job that they won't be meeting mother because she does this thing where she mimics people's accents without realising it. It gets extremely embarrassing.

I'm going to be taking my camera so there'll be photos, and I understand that Tazzy will be taking his too. I won't take my good one though because I don't want to upset gadgetboy with my superior zoom.

So that's that. It'll be a fucking scream! Unless my sister tags along, then it'll be a fucking nightmare. "But I want to meet them too."

I called her a fag hag. "I am not!"

"But you're living with a gay man!"

"I don't go down Canal Street all the time."

"Not any more you don't. You don't go anymore because you've been barred for harrassing the queers."

I didn't say that.

She's having a party tonight and I would've gone only I daren't leave the house for fear of getting a cold or cough that'll mean my op has to be postponed. The bitch couldn't have waited, could she?

I also told my line manager what my plans for the weekend were:

Blokes you met off the internet. How dodgy is that?? Why are you meeting? Are they photography geeks too?
You are too weird for words at times….

I don't think it's THAT dodgy just because they're men - you are so sexist! Maybe dodgy because one is Scottish and they live in Barnsley, I'll concede that point. But they are very sweet... and excellent bitches, so that always makes for a good time.

They're fairly geeky and into techno things - they have this VERY rude website and we got in touch through there. That does sound dodgy... but it's not really.

Nope, that is quite strange. I can’t even begin to understand boys, so you are obviously way ahead of me there. What’s the website??

You having a laugh? There's no way on EARTH that you're seeing that website! Ever.

I'm not sure anybody understands boys, but they're quite amusing at times. And like I said there's nothing on the planet that's better for a good bitching session than a couple of gay blokes.

Oh I didn’t realise they were gay, well that’s alright then, they are normal and I am no longer thinking you are a freak!

Pls pass on details of website, I need cheering up and a good perve!!

I called her a bigot.

What is it with Twiglets that you can't stop eating them, even to the point where it feels like you've had a mouth full of potassium? The roof of my mouth is burning like a fucker. Then again, I did eat half a tub of the things while watching much sauciness in the L Word. Christ, what a show!


Anonymous said...

If the anaesthetic is potentially dangerous, can't you ask them to thump you on the bonce with a huge mallet?

It would be much safer.

Twiglets rock.

Anonymous said...

Twiglets?! I'd rather go for a meal with Piggy & Tazzy.


You're a sucker for punishment aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I suppose I am.

Twiglets are fuckin delish.

Anonymous said...

If I was an anaesthetologist (?) I would force my patients to watch Breakfast TV.
That way I would save the NHS thousands and we could operate safe in the knowledge that they wouldn't come around until after Pebble Mill.

Anonymous said...

(Anaesthetist). They had This Morning on in the pre-op clinic when I was waiting there for hours the other day. I felt like I was dying.

I'm feeling a bit snuffly, must be in my head. Weird.

Anonymous said...

What day is the Great Lump Removal?

Oh, before I forget, do give Pig and Taz a hug for me. After all, my cat's name is Taz.

What are Twiglets, and why do they taste like potassium? And why do you know what potassium tastes like?

Anonymous said...

Monday is the op - hopefully.

Twiglets are like baked savoury snacks, made out of the same stuff that pretzels are made of, only in the shape of little twigs. They're coated in a salty/peppery/spicy intense savoury flavouring and if you eat enough of them, your mouth hurts.

Have you ever seen what happens to potassium does when it comes into contact with water and oxygen? Imagine that on your tongue and you've got the idea of twiglets.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh you lucky thing.Going for an operation.

Sorry to hear your meeting the poofs, and I hope you will be feeling much better after.

Slap the bitches for me, or rub the Mystical Celtic Cross stone on Piggy's wee kidney so that it grows and explodes inside him. Photos of that please.

Take plenty of money with you Tina,they wil be making you pay for everything.



Oh and watch your might be piss.

Anonymous said...

We're thinking of Sunday as the practise run for the wake.

Twiglets are fucking disgusting, but we can't stop eating them either.

The first few are vile, then you sort of forget how horrible they are.

And anyway (fave word) what kind of freak are you? Eating Twiglets outside of Christmastime? Who ever heard of such thing.

*kicks IDV up the arse on the way out*

*pauses momentarily to ask for my shoe back*

Anonymous said...

Mrs SID once treated a man that shoved a twiglet up his willy,before Viagra raised the bar.

And it wasn't me.

They haven't made that size of Twiglets yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they'll have mini twiglets soon, SID.

They've made miniature everything else.

Perhaps the technology just isn't good enough yet.

Anonymous said...

Twiglets outside Christmas? Well, you know how you always buy too much in preparation for Christmas? I must've bought about 5 tubs of Twiglets and I've just found the remaining tub. My, they're delish.

The sexual tension between Piggy and Sid really is something else. This is Maddie and David in Moonlighting. You two need to get it out of your systems.

Anonymous said...

P&T: My arse is harder to get into than Fort Knox, I'll have you know. There's no way your trotter would fit!

Anonymous said...

SID- Twiglet up the 'japs eye'. That's almost as bad as P&T's 'carving meat and two veg man' mpeg.

Anonymous said...

I wish we called gay men poofs. Perhaps I will just start it over here.

Good luck with the boys, and best of luck on the op.

Anonymous said...

never had a twiglet, don't think they're made here....and aren't Tazzy and Piggy great tho? I's just love 'em and they ain't all pervey stuff neither (even tho they'd probably deny it) I've shared many an email exchange with them and they are real proper gentlemen when they wish to be.

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