Sunday 26 March 2006

Rip off

It's one of those days today. You know the made up days where the card shops, florists, restaurants and chocolatiers are rubbing their hands with absolute glee?

Yes, today is Mother's Day, or Mothering Sunday or whatver. I've no idea what the tradition behind this is, but at least it is a "celebration" that has some tradition from way back - churches have special services so it must be sort of legit.

But Mother's Day needn't be expensive (having spent £30 on it myself - flowers from Marks's that'll be dead by tomorrow - I reckon I got off lightly, considering all the grief I give my mum) and Asda have produced a 6p Mother's Day card. Six pence. Surely nobody would have the gall to give one of those things??? When I was skint a few years back, I used to take the time to make my mum a card, which she appreciated of course.

There are other stupid "Days" creeping into the calendar, no doubt directed by the hand of commerce. These are things like grandparent's day, foster carers' day, etc. Oh and I've no idea what's going on with my apostrophes today, I blame sleep deprivation because of the clocks going forward. But yeah, all these crap "days" coming in, just so the needy can feel loved (or less loved). At least Mother's Day and Father's Day are legit.

In fact, Mother's Day is so legit that primary schools have special assemblies to which all the mums are invited for the morning (on a FRIDAY) while the little angels sing with their horrid squeaky/whispering/lisping/out of tune voices and all the mums shed tears of joy and pride. One of my colleagues actually took Friday morning off to go to one of these things - without asking, without having to take annual leave, without ensuring that the people she is supposed to supervise were ok with it - she just did it then waltzed in at 11.30. Nice one.

So let's celebrate all those wonderful, loving, caring mums out there today. If you still have yours, treat her special. Then again, she won't be as good as Connie, but don't tell her that.

And let's celebrate all those skiving bitches who use any fucking excuse to take time out from work so they can go to school sports days, Nativity plays, Mother's Day assemblies. Selfish fucking morons.

NHS job cuts scandal!
The NHS is the UK's publicly-funded National Health System. It is the country's largest employer. Despite having billions of pounds of tax payers' money thrown at it, the NHS continues to slide further into debt - with not much value for money in terms of services.

Many hospitals are now in the position where they're having to make staff redundant and the tabloids are shocked and appalled by this, with headlines such as "Hospital makes 200 nurses redundant and advertises for a £40,000 pa manager!".

Shocking, but 200 nurses cost at least £4 million a year by my reckoning. And then when you take into account the cost of covering Mother's Day assemblies, sports days, Nativity plays, kiddie sickness. And then you get the "professional mother" nurses, who simply see their job as a method of bankrolling their own propagation: they get pregnant, take mat leave for a year (paid for 6 months) - their job has to be covered by somebody, so that's two salaries covering the one job; they come back, work for a year, get pregnant, etc, etc.

Ninety percent of the cost of the NHS is on workforce and it'd be interesting to see how much of that pays for sickness absence, recruitment and the cost of secondment and maternity cover.

So what am I saying, that women can't be mothers and do a good job? Not really, because I've seen far more examples of women who are great at both. But there is a significant minority that is seriously taking the piss and this costs loads of money and affects morale in the workplace.

Think on and look sharp.

Happy Mother's Day to all of those who qualify.

Oh bollocks, a PS
For those who haven't seen it, take a look at this from The Cloned Corpse of Marcus Tal over at Marcus Tal is Dead. I'm not sure what to make of it (I don't understand this sort of thing), but I'm honoured to have been included in this scheme... I think. Thank you.

Another PS: wound update
The plaster stitches came off the other night and the exposed ends of the internal stitches are playing merry Hamlet. To see why, click here.

Always happy to make people gag on their tea.


Anonymous said...

Why Thank You, Tina! My Poechemy is very complex involving subtle Illuminati and Freemason codes in the struggle for freedom against the evil galactic Warlord XENU.

On a more serious note, a fine post you have crafted today. Mothering Sunday is a pecualiar, artificial ritual but worthy nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

Thanks - I knew it was something like that.

I've just noticed that I've called the NHS the "National Health System". Bloody hell, how thick is that? I meant National Health Service of course, but was trying to explain that it's a free at point of use healthcare system. Shite. I give up. Where are my codeine?

Anonymous said...

*hands Tina codeine*

They can say what they want about the NHS but I'm damn chuffed that we have it.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, agreed. It really is super.

It's just a shame that we also have the Department of Health there to continually fuck it up. Few of the NHS's problems are down to the NHS and its workforce, it's generally down to interference from government, simple as that. And when their interference doesn't work and it wastes more money, who does the government blame? That's right, they blame the NHS.

Anonymous said...

The U.S.A.'s Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May, and not near as big a deal as it apparently is over there. Our Father's Day is the third Sunday in June.

When do you get your stitches out? Or do they just dissolve on their own? At least you didn't have staples. HA HA. Hope the thought of that didn't cause any twinges.

Anonymous said...

The stitches are supposed to dissolve on their own - they're internal ones - but there's a bit of stitching sticking out at either end of the wound.

Anonymous said...

Man. After my bypass surgery, I had a few stitches that were sticking out after the rest had probably dissolved ... I was SO (can't describe squeamish ewww god don't touch me) weird about it I had to make an appointment to have a nurse take the remainder out, as the remaining sticking-out stitches seemed to not want to come out when I (can't describe squeamish ewww god don't touch me) tugged ever so lightly on them. I feel for ya.

Anonymous said...

*feels slightly ill at all the stitches talk*

Anonymous said...

Yay for the NHS!

Just get rid of the timewasters and moaning spongers, i.e.staff that ring in sick for no fucking reason!

Tossers the lot of them.

People want to be treated by people who care.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Yay for mothers too.

Mrs SID has been treated like a goddess!

Lucky bitch

Anonymous said...

And you're a lucky SID to have her, Sid.

My stitches are going to be subject of a photo post later. You lucky, lucky things.

Anonymous said...

I don't quite know what to say about the whole stitches thing other than I hope you're back to boob normality soon.

Marcus Tal is Dead is quite intriguing...

Anonymous said...

Very intriguing.

Normal service will be resumed boob-wise very soon I hope. I'm fast turning into the fattest frigging blob on the planet because I'm scared to go to the gym (or move). I'm pissed off an sore.

Anonymous said...

I always heard that the nipple didn't scar. Those ends sticking out would be the end of me - I'm a picker. Scabs, hangnails, and heaven forbid there was peeling sunburn, I'd pick at it and make it worse.

Perhaps if you wore a really good sportsbra and an ACE bandage you could hit the gym. No aerobic dancing, though, just weights and machines.

Anonymous said...

well, its like anything, there will always be people who take advantage, whether they've got kids or not.

As for mother's day, I'd rather be nice to my Mom all year round than worry about one particular day. Same goes for me being a Mom. As long as I get hugs and kisses from the itty bitties on a regular basis I'm happy. All these special days are hiped up by those wishing to sell more cards, flowers, chocolate, and useless gifts to the masses.

I worked for years in a really lean lab where every one suffered if anyone was sick, away, vacationing or whatever. Its not a problem when its legit but when people just take off here and there, hoping to be excused because they are a parent, that's aggravating as hell.

Anonymous said...

The NHS was kind enough to provide me service for the years of freeloading that I spent in the UK. Thank you to God, the Queen and NHS (especially when I broke my fingers).


Anonymous said...

Was that in another one of your fights, scrapper?

Just what sort of scrapes are you going to get me into when I'm over in Canada?

Anonymous said...

Is your skin made of plastic? Or clingfilm? Are you made of skin, like the rest of us?

The implications are huge. I'm gonna go away to think about them...

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd just taken the plaster stitches off so I think they'd left this kind of sheen on my skin.

Anonymous said...

You know when you see a link and you know you shouldn't click it because it has stomach turning properties but you can't help it and you just have to click it and you realise that you were right all along and honestly shouldn't have gone there?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, I have to live with it. It's covered up today because I feared that it was going to have an ASBO slapped on it for scaring children and little puppies.

Anonymous said...

For Gawds sake pull out that last little thread on the right will you...I can see it..

Anonymous said...

Its even casting its own shadow..pull it,pull it now!

Anonymous said...

Well they were supposed to be trimming the stitches last week, but the appointment was cancelled. I've managed to squeeze in to see them tomorrow, so it should be a lot better once it's been sorted.

Anonymous said...

seen the wound, feel a bit funny now.

Anonymous said...

really? our mothers day is not for another 2 months I believe, is it first sunday in may or 3rd sunday? I forget atm.