Sunday 19 March 2006

Pheasants are the stupidest birds alive (but mainly very DEAD)

Back from my convalescence in Norfolk. I was very relaxed until Sonny the ADHD cat started mithering me as soon as I walked in the door. I'm sure we'd get loads of welfare benefits if he was a child - and probably an extenstion put on the house for free too.

So, despite it still being icy cold in the UK, spring is springing across the land and it was quite noticeable down there, where there's lots of countryside and stuff. There were new lambs in the fields, baby rabbits leaping about, baby birds twittering, the ducks were going mental after a bit of action. And then there were the pheasants.

The pheasants. Oh deary me. My friends are lucky enough to have pheasants roaming through their garden, in and out of the hedges in that headless chicken panicky style of theirs. Of course they run in and out of the hedges that line the roadsides too, generally into the paths of oncoming vehicles - BLAM! I've never seen so many squished birds in all my life. Stupid friggin' animals.

Songs of the week
I don't know why, but the embedded music thing in the sidebar seems to disappear after a while and, since it's such a fart pissing about with the templates, I decided to put the tracks in a post instead.

So anyway, here are this week's specials.

Never heard of it myself, but Jo requested something by The Pixies, so here is Gigantic.

Gay disco
This week's disco hit comes from Seamus Haji and his mate thingy Emanuel. That's right, it's Take me away! I love this one and I play it REALLY loud, well as loud as my mum will let me.

Who can't like the lovely Natalie Imbruglia? She sings effortlessly and she's dead fit too. The thought of her certainly makes me shiver!

Like I said, I'm more than happy to take requests and you can see them here every Sunday.

Tell you what, you don't half notice a nipple injury when it's cold and you get all shivery. It's like being stabbed in my bosom. Can you imagine that?


Anonymous said...

YAY I'm first. As soon as I can get around to it my blog post for the day will be about "Eagles are the smartest birds alive (bur mainly not dead, but eating the dead)". With pictures.

Glad you're back. I'm back now too.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that an osprey?

I don't doubt that eagles are the smartest; they're are very impressive creatures.

Pigeons are quite stupid too. Imagine not being able to walk without also moving your head.

Where've you been?

Anonymous said...

It's a BIG BIG love.

Anonymous said...

Yay, yay, yay! It's my favourite blogger in the whole wide world! How you doing Herge? I love the new idea over at Angry Chimp. Looking forward to seeing how that develops.

Anonymous said...

Hello Tina,

Hope you're all better after the op.

I should really crack on with the script.

See ya

Anonymous said...

I'm normally a silent reader and this is off topic, but your blog seems to be displaying (or not displaying actually) really oddly.

I can pick it up through an RSS feed and somehow seem to be able to get the comments up through a really convoluted route (that's how dedicated I am) but your main blog page just comes up blank. I know that's it's not just my computer as I have asked someone else to check as well.

I'll probably not be able to replicate getting to these comments again so will probably not be able to see any response, but I thought I'd point it out anyway!

Nice blog - when it's visible...

Anonymous said...

It's fucked up is what it is.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough...

Anonymous said...

It certainly is. I don't know whether it's a hangover from the blogger problems at the end of last week, or whether it's something else. I play around with a few things and see what happens.

Thanks for the comment, btw.

Hey Herge, I'm OK now thanks, although I have to be careful not to do any jumping up and down or getting into any serious nipple action with anyone.

Anonymous said...

Same here, but for different reasons.

Anonymous said...

We're turning into a bunch of 'twitchers'.

Did you know that pigeons are better at recognising individual chickens than chickens are at recognising individual chinckens.
Goes to show how dumb chickens are.

Funny you should mention the phesants. On the way back from London, Little Miss and I remarked on the vast numbers of them squished on the road side.

Anonymous said...

The music seems to be screwing with your blog... Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! My nips just shriveled in sympathy. TMI? Just out of curiosity, how long did the doc say that it would take to heal?

Anonymous said...

Jaysus H. Christ, OSPREY? Not even fucking close. American Bald Eagles are unique to North America, so I can forgive you your ignorance. I'm going to make a post eventually, but I think I'll wait until Blogdom settles down. It seems to be falling apart all over the place, not just you. And have you tried getting in touch with the people who run Blogger? Not possible, as far as I could find! I'm only here because I bookmarked this page last night.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick story on pheasants:
My father takes a yearly trip to hunt pheasants, which, as a child, I found unbearable and barbaric.

Until I saw the sight of them purposefully hurling themselves under cars and decided that they don't really want to live.

Stupid birds.