Wednesday 29 March 2006

Mum logic

Before I set off for Ynys Môn (that's Anglesey to us English-speaking pig dogs), here's a little bit about that wonderful thing called "Mum logic".

Mother (aaaawwwww, bless her) phoned me up at work yesterday: "Did you go in the shed last night?"

"No, not at all, why?" Oh gawd, has something been stolen from the shed again??

"Did you go in there this morning before going to work?"

"No, why????"

"Well, we can't find the shed keys anywhere"

Ahhhhhhhh, it suddenly dawned on me that the subject of her query wasn't the shed, but the keys to the padlocks on the shed. Moreover, the keyring that contains the shed keys, but also holds various other keys, including the one to the padlock that locks the gate over the drive. Yes, I'd had the keys. Why didn't she just ask if I'd had the keys?

"Oh, I used the keys to unlock the gate padlock last night, but I thought I put them on the worktop in the kitchen. Try the pocket of my hooded top" Etc, etc, etc. No success, so I left her to her panic and got back to my staring into space very hard work.

She phoned 20 minutes later. "Why did you put them in my handbag?"

"I didn't"

"But you must have, because that's where I've just found them"

"I probably left them on the worktop and you must've picked them up with your car keys before going to bed".

"Why would I do that?"

Bugger only knows!

She still insists that I drank tea until I was ten and that I had both little toes (not just the one) operated on when I was 12. She also insists that both of the offending toes had pins in them. I think I'd have noticed that somehow.

I'm waiting for her to exaggerate the story of my totally benign, totally nothing to worry about and never was, breast lump into second stage breast cancer for which I'm receiving the most terrible chemotherapy and for which I am engaged in a high-court battle to be given Herceptin.

Em pee three
Just bought myself a little MP3 player for while I'm in Wales. It's just a simple little Creative Muvo thing that only plays MP3s and uses drag and drop via the USB port. Fab. If I find that I use it lots, I may consider getting a proper grown up, all singing, all dancing thing, but this'll do the trick for now.

I'm going to Trearddur Bay, which is on Holy Island. The hotel overlooks the sea. Shame that I have to do conference things really as Anglesey really is beautiful and I'd like the opportunity to explore it a bit.



Anonymous said...

have a fab time and watch out for the bearded trolls.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'd like to go as well.

Mom logic is its own brand and cannot be reasoned by those who have not had children. I will never understand it.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get a windy walk. Will there be rock for Piggy and Tazzy?

Anonymous said...

Tread carefully Tina, their be wild macaroons on Anglesea.

Anonymous said...


Or save us some time and keep firelighters in your pockets....

Anonymous said...

Theres no point us leaving a comment because you're not here to fucking read it!

If by some chance you do read it, don't forget our stick of rock as arabella says.

We like arabella.

Thoughtful cunt.

Anonymous said...

Tootle Pip Safe Trip!

Hmmmm macaroons!

Anonymous said...

your mum sounds like tons of fun at parties.

I wish I could go to Anglesey too!!!

Anonymous said...

Your mom is a typical mom!

have a good trip. Be nice to the Welsh people, they are all dwarves aren't they?

Anonymous said...

Oi! I resemble that remark, kyahgirl!

Have fun and learn stuff. Oh yeah, good luck speaking to anyone there.

Anonymous said...

Moms are crazy. I love them for it.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Free porn?

*looks for some handy tissues*

I take it you're not back yet then?

That's right, just abandon us.

See if we miss you.

Did you remember my stick of rock?

Anonymous said...

when are you coming back? we miss you. and it looks like there is some porn here for you too!

Anonymous said...

i luv you so ido. mis yu,sryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
bloggingshite i cnt stopfukin blggibg.

yu fuckiong made meyou n that gorgeous slut piissoff. e,m missyu.walesshitesorryft.luvyu too

Anonymous said...

*wipes SID's dribble from the corner of his mouth*

*with a piece of used toilet paper*

*then makes him eat it*

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