Tuesday 21 March 2006

Like a little flower

Anyway, I followed Tesco's customer care instructions for the situation when you receive dead flowers: let them stand in water for 24hr.

But look! C'est un miracle!!! Little Max has indeed risen from the dead.

blooming max smaller

Separated at birth
There was a wonderfully vile woman in the Lidl (cheap, nasty, foreign supermarket that doesn't really sell many well-known brands) near work this lunchtime. Me and a colleague were on the look out for dolphin-friendly tuna (in Lidl???), tinned sweetcorn (maybe, but not) and Heinz baked beans (no chance) and we kept hearing this woman shouting, "I said I'd just be a minute, I'm not queue jumping!".

As we got nearer the only open till, at which there had amassed a sizeable crowd of people waiting to pay, she ran to the front of the queue, shouting "Who's moved my stuff off the conveyor? I only went to get something that I'd forgotten, I'm not queue jumping!"

In fact, what she'd done was grab one item, stick it on the conveyor belt of the till, then gone round the store to do the rest of her shopping.

Definitely separated from her brain at birth, but not her downright cheek. Twat.

I wonder if Lidl and Aldi were separated at birth, they only differ by one letter.


Anonymous said...

Bollocking bastard cunt!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay first again!!!

Anonymous said...

Miracles CAN happen.

Perhaps Max can take care of that woman now that he's one of the undead.

Anonymous said...

Lidl's like Blackpool. Nice idea when you think about it, but you actually have to be there to realise how bad it is.

Anonymous said...

Arrangement of photos is like watching Max rise from the dead, come into bloom.

Anonymous said...

Just like the Pharoah's of ancient Egypt, the Tabby arises and says..."YAWN.."

Anonymous said...

I am proper middle class me, so would never set foot in a Lidl.

I shop exclusively at Farm Foods.

Anonymous said...

Ewww, Zombie Max.

Anonymous said...

Do you think if I put my mum in a Tesco flower box.....?

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to netto? when i was a lorry-dwelling hedge monkey they were all the rage, with their 2p eastern-european rice pudding.

Anonymous said...

Netto are still going strong - about as strong as their carrier bags and that's pretty strong!

You know, I love Whinger just because she always manages to trump Piggy. HAH!

Trump - agreed.

Shiftclick - my cat is pretty much a zombie these days, although it's quite scary when he suddenly gets a sniff of catnip and decides to wake up.

Farm food has good carrier bags too.

Anonymous said...

can undead max run faster than undead canadian eagle?
