Sunday 12 March 2006

It takes two

When I was a student in Leeds, there was a young woman who I came to know affectionately as "Mort". We went clubbing occasionally and she used to enjoy getting all emotional with my friend David ("Tell me David, do you find me attractive?") and I used to enjoy having a drink and a laugh and a dance.

A great hit in the clubs back then was Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock's "It takes two" and Mort had a fantastic way of dancing to this track that involved her sort of bending forwards with her head down and shaking, bouncing at the hip while waving her arms out in front of her and ever alternate beat, she'd jump to one side, then back to the other. If only I could demonstrate it to somebody. It was so good, and she'd be so wrapped up in her dance, and her desire to get into David's knickers, that she never noticed that we all used to mimic her, only with exaggerated movements.

Anyway (!) has anybody got a copy of this as I can't find it on the internet except for a £4 download and I ain't paying that much for it. Nooooo way! I can do a swap for Kylie's "Hand on your heart" or Kelly Marie's "Feels like I'm in love" - I'll even throw in a Tina Charles for the 12" remix of it.

Someone taught me how to dance last night
What a mover, he was
And someone taught me how to do it right
What a groover, he was

He taught me all the steps you need to rock and roll
I found my sense of rhythm,
But I lost my self control, when he said

Dance, little lady, dance

Sing along now!

Dance, little lady,
Ohh that's what he told me...


Anonymous said...

How come IDV gets a link and I don't. Is it because I'm thick, boring or straight?

Anonymous said...

Tickersoid - Correct!

*naughty Pigster*

We'll bring that song on CD for you today , Sniffster.

Even though it's shite.

Anonymous said...

It's because I can't figure out what the fuck your name is supposed to be about. Explain it to me.

Nah, twas an oversight on my part when I was updating my blogroll. I'll sort it out.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I'll do the Mort dance for you fellers. They'll be doing it in all the clubs!

Anonymous said...

Ok we couldnt be arsed burning a CD for that shite.

Check your email - we've sent you the link to it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I got it thanks. It is quite shit, isn't it? But you know what it's like when you get a song in your head and you just have to listen to it?

I suppose it was good in 1989, especially with Mort doing her dance for us all to laugh at.

Anonymous said...

No dear, it wasn't good even in '89.

You were pissed.

Anonymous said...

Of course I was fucking pissed! I was pissed for ten fucking years!

Anonymous said...


So have you tried that Limey thing yet then?

(that'll have them all wondering what we're talking about, the nosey cunts)

Anonymous said...

Yes, and the itching has almost completely stopped!

I'm looking at file storage sites - any you'd recommend?

Anonymous said...

Rapidshare is a good one for storing stuff on. It's fast. Bloody fast.

To make it worthwhile though, its best to subscribe to it (I think it's 9 Euro's a month or summat - so it's quite cheap).

I'll think of a few (decent) free ones though and let you know.

Anonymous said...

Oh forgot to say, the link to Rapidshare.

It's www,

Anonymous said...

What, a whole one? Won't that spoil your tea?

Anonymous said...

Bollocks! I still got it wrong!


*feels like a fucking mong now*

Anonymous said...

And if it's any kind of recommendation, we use it constantly.

We're never off the bloody thing.

You get unlimited storage (you can even set up personal folders)

and it provides automatic links for sharing your stuff with others.

And it has its own fabby downloader for stuff (which lets you download stuff in multiple parts at high speed)

Seriously, its probably the best fiver a month you could ever spend. It's even cheaper if you sign up for 3 or 6 months.

Anonymous said...

Shite. That was us.

Anonymous said...

Well, in all honesty, we'd consider it madness to choose any other file-hoster.

As you can imagine, we've had experience of plenty of them over the year and they are, without any shadow of doubt, THE fastest and most reliable we've ever come across.

And we've never (not even once) known their site to be down.

Downloads from Rapidshare are as fast as your broadband connection allows (we download at 7-800k every time, which maxes out our connection. A full DVD download from Rapidshare arrives in less than 15 nminutes, for example).

Bloody fantastic service. And, strangely, one of the VERY few net services we'd heartily recommend.

Anonymous said...

I'm goign to sign up when I can be arsed to go upstares and get my credit card. Oh, it's pay-pal, I don't need to. Click and pay, isn't it fab?

I've got to go now anyway bcause I'm still in my PJs and i've got to start making myself look presentable for meeting you two later on. Eyebrows are a mess, I have a huge boil on my chin. I can't do anything about the boil (or my arse), but at least I can do something to prevent supplying you with ammo over the state of my facial hair.

Anonymous said...

I'm so out of the loop. You inconsiderate bastards meeting without me.

Anonymous said...

At least you got your link before me.

Tickersoid- fusion of 'tickers' my real nick name, (short for tickerty-boo)and 'Freekasoid' my favourite cartoon superhero.

Anonymous said...

Stop being such a queen!

And April, how can you feel out of the loop when I'm going to be spending a WHOLE TWO WEEKS with you in the summer?????

Anonymous said...

Its me thats out of the loop you bastards.

Irelands a nice place to visit.