Sunday 5 March 2006

High on diesel and gasoline

There was a band called Suede that had a bit of success in the UK during the 1990s. Their hits included the songs Beautiful Ones, Trash and Animal nitrate. They were OK and I quite liked their stuff.... until, that was, when I realised that their lead singer sounded like Tommy Steele singing Little white bull.

But suede and other leather goods have quite a strong smell that can be a bit nasty at times. There's something not quite right about being able to smell the leather from your shoes; it's usually an indicator that your feet are too hot = sweat = manky, manky, manky.

Anyhoo. I bought meself a suede jacket the other day. It's really rather nice and it was only £30 from good old T K Maxx. I reckon it's ideal for a night out on the town and it'll go really well with jeans and a nice blouse. More's to the point, it doesn't look likely that I'll ever have my coy-du-roy (corduroy) blazer back from my darling sister, so I just HAD to have a going out jacket. Because I'm always out, social animal that I am.

The thing about suede is that it smells a bit nasty and can sometimes have fart undertones. The jacket is hung up in this room and I can smell it from here. I'm a bit worried about wearing this thing on a night out on the pull and people nearby thinking that I'm a bit excited about getting out of the house for a change.

Oh, the Big Gay Bash has been postponed until after I've recovered from my op since my colleague doesn't want anything to curtail my pulling potential. As if my fat arse isn't going to do that anyway.

Hey ho.



This stuff was the pervading smell of all pensioner homes during the 1970s. Trichlorophenol? TCP to you and me, or THIS:

TCP products

I don't know why the UK's elderly population were so dependent on this stuff back then, but I swear they bathed in it, gargled with it, used it as a cologne, cleaned the bathroom with it and boilwashed their smalls in it.

And the smell of even the tiniest amount of TCP is extremely persistent, even without this total saturation of their geriatric lifestyles with the stuff. I once lived in a flat for 18 months. During all that time, I could never shift the smell of TCP from the bathroom cabinet. It felt like the place was possessed with the spirit of an elderly lady who died of a chemical overdose in 1976.

There's a disturbing smell of cat wee filtering into this room. Where's the Zoflora?

Yeah, look at me, giving away music for free. All thanks to tunebite, I might add. If you hadn't noticed, our good friend Connie is trying a new venture in her music blog Indie Anna Jones. Check it out, there are some interesting things to listen to.


Anonymous said...

I think you should get out more.

Have you considered a Lamborghini, a Maserati, or a Toilet Duck?

Honestly, give up the cats and take up Marmite.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! "boilwashed their smalls in it." great line!

Anonymous said...

Cheers Blue.

I don't quite follow your drift there Garfer, I think there may have been a few essential words missing to help my poor little brain process that lot.

I should get out more - agreed

Considered a Lamborghini, Maserati or Toilet DUCK????


I love marmite.

Anonymous said...

TCP? Are you serious? EWW.

Coming it at it from the angle of a lab person I get a bit freaked out at the thought of ingesting chlorinated aromatic compounds of any sort!!

Sorry, got carried away there.

When's your surgery?

Anonymous said...

My op is on 13th of March.

I can't believe that we were made to gargle with diluted TCP whenever we had a sore throat. Talk about rubbing salt in open wounds.

Anonymous said...

Laphroig malt whisky smells identical to TCP. I'm sure it kills as many germs as well.

Anonymous said...

I've known people go mad about laphroig - quite literally.

Anonymous said...

TCP has to be one of the most disgusting smells (and tastes) I've ever experienced in my quite astonishing wee life.

Unlike PLJ, which I was once addicted to. My mother used to tell me my guts would drop out of my arse unless I stopped glugging it.

She was quite wrong, I hasten to add, my bottom being hermetically sealed.

Anonymous said...

Yes I was forced to gargle TCP too.

We use to call it The Cats Piss.

Ahhhh the abuse.

Can't beat the smell of industrial Zoff though.

Anonymous said...

Still, it's better than gargling with semen anyday.

Anonymous said...

You would say that.

Anonymous said...

I like TCP.

I do not (repeat) DO NOT like spunk.

I bet you're all really surprised.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, you need to post a pic of the suede jacket Sniff.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please, do post a photo of the suede jacket. By the way, off as it may seem, I love the smell of leather. Just heavenly.

The American,

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with sailors' oral hygene?

by the way, tina, can you reach my blog? as of 10:28AM EST I get a 403.

really annoying.

Anonymous said...

Strangely enough, Anonymous, I don't know whether I can reach your blog because I don't know who you are.

Suede jacket pic? OK. Do you want me to be singing "Little white bull" while I'm wearing it?

Indianajones, stop being so precious. I have absolutely nothing against American people. Just imagine how awful it'd be if you were French? This suede is just a bit too strong and fart-like. I might have to give a spray with some TCP.

Anonymous said...

Hrrm, I'm guessing that's Aas. I can't get to your blog, no - says access is VERBOTEN!

Anonymous said...

I like the smell of suede, but my minor obsessive-compulsiveness rarely allows me to wear it, because I hate when anything rubs across it, causing marks in it that must be immediately remedied.

Cannot stand TCP, though. Bleh. Smells like nursing home.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the rubbing sensation of suede against itself can be a bit odd and nasty.

Not as nasty as TCP though.

Thanks for your compliment, btw.

Anonymous said...

Great article! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for interesting article.

Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!