Friday 3 March 2006


I like fruit. I'm a big fruit fan. This doesn't mean that I don't like puddings and chocolates too (more), but fruit is good.

There are loads of sweets ("candy" to you lot) out there that purportedly have fruit flavours. Excuse me, but I beg to differ. Have you ever eaten an orange-flavoured boiled sweet? Does it taste anything like an orange? No.

Could you imagine if you peeled a lovely juicy orange (washed your hands quickly to prevent the juice from causing the skin between your fingers to sting and burn) and tasted one of the segments to find that it had the flavour of a boiled sweet or wine gum? That'd be fucking horrible beyond belief. Eeeeeuuuuuwwwww. No, that would be plain WRONG.

Boiled sweets are pretty crap anyway. Whenever people go on holiday to Spain or Greece, they return to work with HUGE bags of fruit-flavoured boiled sweets to inflict extra punishment onto their colleagues who can't afford foreign holidays. I wish they'd just go to Tesco and get a bumper pack of Miniature Heros - something worth removing the wrapper for, i.e. Cadbury's chocolate-based sweets, none of your boiled sugar crap.

It's weird how I can discuss things in meetings; tell people about stuff; explain policies, procedures. But when I'm asked to do a small bit of work that means that I have to write a document about exactly the same things, I can't bring myself to do it. I find it so tedious that I have to really force myself to hit each individual key to get the letters down. I think in the back of my mind, I'm wondering what on earth people want to know about this stuff for, it's hardly of earth-shattering interest to anybody.

It must be part of some mechanism for population thought control; like torturous hypnosis where you're made to repeat the same thing over, and over, and over again. With so many people employed in the public sector, and with most of these people living in key political seats, it's hardly surprising that the Government sees the imposition of endless directives and tick-box exercises as an ideal method for brainwashing a huge section of electorate. Intelligent people become unable to think for themselves because, day after day, they are made to reiterate policies that rain down on them from Government departments. They are never able to ask "Why?", or feed back up to the top with their own ideas.

Patricia Hewitt is a highly intelligent woman, the cream of the crop. The Department of Health and NHS are safe in her capable hands. She's doing such a fantastic job.

The cheek on it!
Gosh, somebody who is attending a course here in the centre has just nipped in to our staff loo. Hope she's not passing a solid in there. Cheeky thing.

Do you think somebody should tell him?
Look at this dick:


This is a chap called Rio Ferdinand. He's an arrogant big-head, who thinks he can play football. For some reason, he's allowed to represent England on the international stage.

Now, look at this:


I rest my case.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

NHS safe in Hewitt's hands? Yeah right, course it is!

Boiled sweets? Yuk!

Big solid dumps? Yay!

Anonymous said...

No seriously, Hewitt's NHS is brilliant! Some great strategies with clear aims and objectives, sensible implementation plans, people who are on top of their game and know what they're doing at the heart of it all. It's true - I read it every day in the reports that come out of the Department of Health.

I've had some excellent poos today - at work - YAY!

Anonymous said...

obviously she's a pull item, eh? after all, you're monitoring her loo habits, and checking out her ... cheeks.


Anonymous said...

I make a point of pooing wherever I go. In a toilet.

It's my way of marking my territory.

Anonymous said...

It'd be quite funny if we could mark territory by having a poo or wee on it.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing- Don't follow through with 'Sniffys' idea.
Imp would not be impressed.

Anonymous said...

Entirely too much shit for me. It's amazing how a perfectly good post goes right in the crapper, but not unusual for this lot.

Anonymous said...

I think we should be allowed to poo when and wherever we wish.

Can just hear the Tesco checkout girl now....."Big solid poo in aisle 5"

Anonymous said...

I know, and I raised some very important issues about crapy sweets and government brainwashing.

I suppose people could poo where they liked if they wore a nappy.

Anonymous said...

The smell wouldn't be nice though.
And neither would sitting down.

I'm happy with toilets and I'm not fussy whose toilet it is or where it is, as long as I can empty my bowels when I fancy.
I'm easily pleased.

Anonymous said...

I am rather fond of orange sweets, although you are correct in that they bear no resemblance to the fruit.

I do not care for orange-flavored chocolate. There's something evil there.

Am scared of that JarJar person -- both the muppet and the guy.

Anonymous said...

The look on that guys face...He looks sour. Funny, if he had smiled, he'd really look like Jar-Jar. giggling...

Anonymous said...

Funny! I'm not much for boiled sweets (what we call "hard candy"). It's just sugar. If I wanted sugar, I'd just eat it out of the sugar bowl. That being said, my students will do just about anything for a piece of hard candy. I keep it on hand at all times - it speeds the learning process.

Bribery - it works.

Anonymous said...

I say Whinger, you mean you don't like Terry's chocolate orange?. I tell you, this stuff is DELISH!

Anonymous said...

Thank god for bored. I love your new look - nice and clean, which is at least a nice visual. It does a good job of hiding the evil that lurks within. I say keep it!

Anonymous said...


After the bloody hassle I'm having with getting it to look like this, do you really think I'm going to be changing again in the near future?

Having trouble with the title border and i can't figure out what's going on. It's pissing me right off, so it is.

Anonymous said...

Ok Sniffy...what have you done??

Hope your not doing a P&T job on us now?




Anonymous said...

Its not autistic enough for me, 9/11!

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to be making anything other than minor changes from now on. This has been a complete pain in the arse.