Saturday 11 March 2006

Facking facts

I could just say no I suppose....

A fisting of facts

1. If you were to be re-incarnated, who or what would you want to come back as and why?

A cat that is good looking, even tempered and happy, thus ensuring a life with a nice family and lots of cuddles, decent food and top class healthcare.

2. What’s the nastiest thing you’ve ever done to a friend?

Stalked them and made their life a misery.

3. What is your FIRST memory (and don’t say ‘I can’t remember’)?

I think I was in my cot, stood up and hanging onto the side rail. The cot was in my Mum and Dad's room and I was looking at them as they slept.

4. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done when pissed/blind drunk?

Where do I start? I think just the general loudness and topics of conversation that you engage in when you're drunk are hugely embarrassing. I had a row with my boss and told to to fuck off and called him Jacob Marley.

I once tried to drive one of those big earth moving things that was on a construction site that I was taking a shortcut through. I couldn't get it started (obviously) but sat there, shouting "Toot, toot, Nyyyyyyyyyyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!" at passers by.

5. Your 3 best and worst qualities?

Good: Fairly clever; sense of humour.... stuck now
Bad: Moodiness and bad temper; my foul fucking mouth; I'm too shy.

6. You can change one thing about your partner. What is it? And what is the thing you would NOT be happy to change about them?

The first thing I'd change is having one to start off with and then I suppose I'd have to take it from there.

7. Have you ever taken drugs (illegal)?

Yes, just a bit of gange on a couple of occasions and I think some speed once when I was a student. Didn't really do much for me and I wasn't at all impressed.

8. Your perfect night/day?

Sunny day in June or July, spent with somebody special. Get up nice an early, breakfast of crispy bacon with brown sauce on toast. And a nice walk, either to a zoo-type thing (somewhere with nice animals) or somewhere secluded like a nice woodland or beach or something. Picnic lunch, curry for tea.

9. Have you ever had anything up your bum that ain’t human?

Glycerine suppositories all the time when I was a child.

10. Three things that make you really angry?

Ignorance; cruelty to animals; selfishness

11. The saddest thing you’ve ever seen on TV?

I think Diana's funeral was so sad because there was this amazing peer and media pressure on everyone to be distraught. So yes, it was a very sad occasion, but Elton's eyebrow made up for it.

Big Brother is quite sad too.

An edit: Slobodan Milosevic died today. Good.

I think one of the saddest things I ever witnessed on TV was the systematic massacre of people at Milosevic's (and others') hands. To have something like this happen on your doorstep is shocking. For something like this happen on your doorstep and know that those who could help don't have the guts to makes you want to scream. The whole world stood by as Yugoslavia was torn apart by civil war in early 1990s. Men and young boys were sent to their deaths in concentration camps, or at the hands of firing squads. We saw images of civilans being taken out by snipers (for sport) as they ran for cover on the streets of Sarajevo. This happened just over ten years ago, in the 1990s, on our doorstep, in a country where people used to go on holiday. The UN eventually sent in the peace keepers when it was safe for them to do so.

Later on in the same decade, we saw ethnic cleansing on our TV screens as Serbian forces displaced people. These were ordinary people, like those you whinge at down the shops, the people in front of you in the queue at Tesco. The people of the world called on the UN to help, but the UN was too gutless as usual. Eventually NATO got its act together and dropped some bombs - mainly on convoys of refugees. Again too gutless to send in ground troops to help out.

That, I think, is the saddest thing I've ever seen on the television.

12. Apart from a sexual organ/region, which part of your body do you really liked being touched by a partner?

Just above my hip, ears, back of neck.

13. You’re fave jelly flavour?

Orange (with those little tinned mandarines set in it, with cream). Or trifle-flavour jelly, the red one. Don't like the green one... or yellow.

14. Tell everyone something you’ve been too ashamed to tell anyone before. Your answer to this will guarantee your entry into Heaven

I know no shame.

15. Something you don’t tell you’re partner, or do enough and know that you should.


16. You are a cunt. Explain why.

There are some things that just come naturally to a person I guess.


Anonymous said...

Oh so that's what tagging is!

I thought I was supposed to answer it all in a comments box on P&T's post.

Not doing it all again, you'll just have to read it there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've just seen it. Tags and fucking memes are the frigging bane of blogworld.

Anonymous said...

I hate these kind of things too.

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist inflicting this one on you all.

Ain't Tickersoid a thick cunt, eh?

I'm thinking of auctioning you (Tina) off over at our place. It's time you had some lurrrrve in your life.

Let's see how much they're prepared to pay for you.

Or how many pounds of onions they'll swap.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I wasn't tagged - I would've spent days trying answer those questions, getting frustrated and miserable.

And thanks for the link Tina : )

Anonymous said...

Oh that'd be exciting Piggy. I wonder how much somebody would be willing to pay for a day with me!

Anonymous said...

Gosh. TMI. Only P & T could come up with some of those questions. I hope I haven't upset you by asking you to quit stalking me in the first post of my 'new' blog - I was teasing you, you know, and I quite enjoy our camaraderie.

Anonymous said...

Nah shiftclick - hardly noticed. My friend is fine with me now too. I even let her out of the special room that I've made for her in my cellar.

What's TMI mean?

Anonymous said...

*Ah I see, it was an asterisk thing. You know me and asterisks, we don't get on. I see them there in the text and always forget to look at what they're referring to.

Cutesy? Moi? Behave yourself!

Anonymous said...

:: grins widely :: But you are. Seriously. One of the sad things about being part of a worldwide community is that sometimes the community you'd like to get to know is on the other side of the world.

TMI, my dear, is too much information. Only P&T would ask what inhuman thing you've had up your arse...

Anonymous said...

Why is telling me what TMI means too much information? Honestly!

Surely EVERYBODY has had a suppository up their arse at some point in their life. Piggy had one just the other week.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've no idea what you're on about. I'm off for tea with the vicar. Seriously, I'm having tea at my mate's house and she's a vicar. What's even beter is the fact that she hasn't got a parish at the moment and so is working as an undertaker! How ace is that?

Anonymous said...

Are you living out an episode of LoG?

And I wouldn't kiss Sid's arse even if it would win me the lottery.

Or if I wasn't wearing a barrier suit.

It'd be like kissing an oversized cunt.


Anonymous said...

Oh and go on then, discuss with the world what I've had up my arse recently.

Don't mind me. I'm only a passive spectator.

Did I just say I was passive? I'm not really. I'm butch me.

Tazzy calls me 'Daddy'.

Really, he does.

He'll deny it, of course. But we all know the truth.

*wonders what Shift.Clicks nickname is?*

Anonymous said...

AIIII!!! I'm tremblin in me boots! NO nicknames! Tina, by the time you get back from your friggin tea we'll all be dead!

Anonymous said...

And so P&T decreed that from this moment henceforth, the entity formerly known as 'Shift.Click' would now be known as 'Al'.

Erm... S.C (!), did I just read on your profile that you were a plane mechanic last century?

Does that mean you used to wear a boiler suit?

*looks at Tina*

Anonymous said...

Piggy quote

"It'd be like kissing an oversized cunt."

And Tazzy is???


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're all such cunts when you get going. It's such fun!

Anonymous said...

Fucking bastards, indeed.

I will accept "AI" - . Nice abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence.

Anonymous said...

I think I shall refer to you as Shifty.

Anonymous said...

And why on earth would I fancy somebody wearing a boiler suit? Unless it was Connie the aircraft maintenance engineer, she's really very lovely in whatever she wears.

Anonymous said...

so what is it for; AI, SC, or shifty? I think I'll go for SC since AI makes me think of artificial insemination and shifty is too many letter. did I mention I'm lazy?

And yes, Tina, that IS ace about your vicar friend and the funeral thing. I'm fascinated by the death/funeral process.

Anonymous said...