Wednesday 22 March 2006


Not quite ready for the blog movie just yet. I need a bit of time out from stuff to be able to incubate ideas. God, what sort of a prize tosser does that make me sound like? A big one with a big rosette and bunch of flowers (not dead ones though).

But anyway, there's nothing finer than enjoying a nice cup of coffee and a biscuit. Strong, sweet coffee and a ginger biscuit or two, or three.

The advantage of having biscuits with hot drinks is that they afford a mechanism for premature enjoyment of the steaming hot brew by virtue of dunking into the otherwise undrinkably hot liquid. There's nothing finer than the flavour of ginger biscuit dunked in sweet, strong coffee. Well there is, but you know, this is the start of a dunking discussion.

Here are some good biscuits for dunking:

  • Ginger nuts
  • Fig rolls
  • Digestives
  • Hob Nobs
  • Kit kat*
*I'll try to remember this one, promise

I don't eat crap biscuits, but I can't imagine that dunking a chocolate digestive would be much fun - a waste of chocolate, you see. Chocolate digestives are best enjoyed by cramming as many into your mouth at once and successfully eating them without choking to death.

*Kit kats (Yay! I remembered the asterisk) are great fun for dunking because you nibble off a small amount from the end of one and then use it as a straw, sucking up as much coffee as you can before the wafer centre collapses and creates a disgusting mess in your mug and all over your fingers. Try it in your next meeting - the Chief Exec will be highly impressed.

Is it wrong to go to bed at 7.30? Depends on who with I suppose. Ho ho ho.

As a seasoned traveller, I am clued up about things such as visas and travel insurance and stuff. Oh yes, I shall be the most well-prepared traveller on earth by the time I step onto that plane to jet off to BC in the summer. My bank provides travel insurance, but I'm going to make sure that it covers me against waterskiing and helicopter accidents, as well as personal injury resulting from horse play with horses and mugging by 3 year old terrorists.

I think I'm OK if I get hijacked though.

Waaaaaay too tired today.


Anonymous said...

Well, then, go to bed. You're obviously still recovering. It's a big deal to have a piece of one's body removed, you know.

Weird to see "biscuits" where it should be "cookies". How did Americans get to the point of calling biscuits, cookies? Well, we do have biscuits, too, but they are a bread product.

Anonymous said...

Well, "biscuit" comes from foreign for "cooked twice" I think. So "cook", "cookie", etc. I really have no idea how you can possibly call any bread product a biscuit. Frankly, that's just plain fucking mental.

Anonymous said...

Well, we're a good match then. You've made me fucking mental with the WV thing; I've taken it OFF. OFF, do you hear me?

Faugh. Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch you wear somebody DOWN for your whinging.

::kiss kiss::


Anonymous said...


no bed, get script writing!

Anonymous said...

We have some serious 'biscuit' politics in our office.
In fact, if as much time was spent developing policy as is discussing whether we'd like a bite of someone's ginger nuts, coconut rings or chocolate fingers - well we'd be a fabulous council and not an ok one.

Anonymous said...

bollocks, just outed myself as a government lacky........

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams love.

Anonymous said...

I did not know that people actually bought travel insurance.

Fascinating. Do they insure against April bites?

Anonymous said...

I hope not Whinger!

Anonymous said...

I'd want insurance against the incorrigible donkey. April bites, well...

Dunking, well, that is a topic on which I'm an expert. My father likes plain vanilla biscuits (vanilla cookie with vanilla middle) in coffee or tea, as he says that they don't interfere much with the flavor of the drink. Personally, I like to dunk Oreos (do you have those? similar to chocolate hobnobs, if not) in my tea or coffee - or ice cold milk if there's no tea or coffee to be had. I'd think a fig roll would be a tricky proposition when it came to dunking. Aren't they a soft biscuit? Chewy, I mean. Our Fig Newtons are chewy with a figgy center - they don't hold up well when you add the hot liquids. Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies are also excellent to dunk, as the chocolate between the biscuts turns molten. Yum!