Tuesday 21 March 2006

Blog movie

I want to prepare people for something that might be quite good fun.

Herge over at the FANTASTIC Angry Chimp has had the great idea to write a blog movie to which any blogger can contribute.

He has written the introductio and I'm going to try to put scene two together sometime over the next couple of days. Check it out and see what you think.

I feel a little inadequate though. Still, it's all good fun - a bit like those games you played when you were children.

I had some alcohol-free wine tonight. I thought it was one of those poncy adult soft drinks "with herbs" and I almost choked when I took a sip. Far too similar to the real thing and it threw me a little bit. Not sure I liked it (the feeling).


I think I'll stick to cough mixture for my sneaky alcohol intake; it's safer that way.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm first.

I saw that at Herge's yesterday - must go and check out the intro if he's done it now. I'm sure you'll come up with something good, Tina.

Anonymous said...

Leave it until Wednesday. I have plans for this screenplay.

We could be quids in (but probably not).

Cats in space!

Anonymous said...

You can always chew your way through a tub of computer screen wipes.
It's probably impossible to get intoxicated on them (unless you chomp your way through a skip-load) but I bet you'd get a buzz.

Genius, me.

Anonymous said...

Cats in space Garfer? - are Max and Oscar destined for stardom? If so, they need an agent. Cough.

Anonymous said...

I suppose I feel the same about fat-free food. I'll just stick to the real thing.

Anonymous said...

A fun game to play with non-alcoholic wine is Placebo. Pick someone, don't tell them the wine isn't alcoholic and see how long it takes them to get "drunk."

Anonymous said...

If you want a seriosly good laugh watch these hillariously funny videos
http://watchthisfunnyvideonow.com/taf/?x=23077XlRf comedy