Wednesday 8 March 2006


I've got tomorrow off work. Will I be doing something nice? No, I will not. I'll be having my pre-op assessment, which will involve: peeing onto my hands; having a scrap with the people smoking in the main entrance of my hospital; being prodded and poked while I have all sorts of tests done to me - the main one being made to stand on one leg while I balance a glass of water on my head and eat a dry cracker.

Talking of time off work, I've been given next week off as planned sick leave - the whole week, and today I was also sorting out my annual leave entitlement for next year (from 1st April onwards). I have a 27d entitlement (going up to 29d in June!) plus I can carry 5 days over from 2005-06, but I still have 6 days, so I've got to take an additional day off sometime between 20th and 28th March. Woe is me.

When do I have my day off and what should I do with it? You see, instead of letting me carry 6 days over, my line manager has put this additional stress on me by making me take an extra holiday day sometime in March.

But if I'm off with stress, that's sick leave and not annual leave and I'm still left with the troublesome extra day.

Yep, this is my 552nd post on this blog. If I'd spent that time more constructively, I might have evened out my top:arse ratio, got myself a decent job, done some work in my current one... who knows? I think I'm lacking direction and motivation.

Ignorant fuckers
As I drove out of the car park at work this afternoon, a pair of women stopped in front of me in the middle of the entry/exit road as they were crossing it. I slowed down to let them continue crossing. They stood still and one glared at me. So I decided to start off again and as I drove past them, one shouted "Decide where you're going, you stupid woman!".

Excuse me, but I'm not the fucking gormless twat who's stood in the middle of the fucking road, not moving while people are trying to let you cross! FUCKTARD!

I very nearly stopped the car and had a go at her, but I probably would've been told off for twatting a patient. Braindead fucking mong.

Actually, that's unfair on mongs. But when I say "mong", I'm never referring to mongs - people with Down's Syndrome - I'm referring to gormless fuckers who have less intelligence than a fucking slug and fewer manners than Atilla the Hun (or appropriate ill-mannered cunt). Same with spazzes. These words have taken on completely different meanings over the past couple of decades - well they have to me at least.

I hate people.

I hate most people. I really like SID, he's an angel (:|) and he has done something very very special for me over at his blog. Thanks, you soft twat.


Anonymous said...

Also, I was first.

Anonymous said...

1. Am finding it difficult to feel sorry for you as I work for an American company, meaning I only get 15 days/year.

2. Just take a day for you and Max. I think you two may need some alone time.
You could spend the day at Tesco documenting its faults.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Ok, I get the message: a special "Tesco: saviour or antichrist of retail?" post just for you.

Our salaries are crap and the sun never shines. They have to give us holidays to stop us taking even more time off sick (not me personally, but the generally workshy population).

Anonymous said...

And that was slightly competitive of you Whinger. We'll have none of that here.

Anonymous said...

I can see how you might need more duvet days what with the depressing weather, but cannot fathom what I could do with an entire month of vacation.

Although, in all fairness, if my salary were crap, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

Anonymous said...

You should have knocked her over, and then reversed over her loathsome torso.

That would be one less fucktard draining precious NHS resources.

Anonymous said...

And you're right. Was so busy being competitive, I forgot to wish you well on your op.

Don't die and all that.

Anonymous said...

yeah dont DIE

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'll die, more's the pity. I certainly don't think I'll die tomorrow unless I get involved in a fight with somebody and get my head kicked in; this is certainly on the cards given recent hostilities at the hospital entrance.

But if I do die, then it's no great problem. It'll be upsetting for folk for a while, but they'll get over it. I won't know any different, it'll be lovely for me.

Anonymous said...

If you die can I have your suede jacket?

I bet you'll get the best private room in the joint, being an insider and that.

I'd bring you some grapes but you might ferment them in the specimen bottle.

Anonymous said...

ALL-FUCKING-RIGHT! You can have the suede jacket, you big girl! Bloody hell.

I don't think I'll get a private room, although I'm listed as an "NHS Manager" on my hospital records. I think this'll make them more likely to to stick things up my vagina than give me preferential treatment.

Anonymous said...

What things?

Are you sure a midwife would fit?

Sorry, that was a bit rude.

Anonymous said...

You know, party balloons, bits of theatre instruments, Ginsters pasties?

I certainly want to be fully awake if a midwife ever gets anywhere near there.

Anonymous said...

Lovin' the new look!! Very chic. I would have been tempted to roll the window down and say something to the idiots. Again, your self control is inspiring. :-)

Hopefully, everything will turn out ok. I'll be praying for you. I hope you don't mind.

Love you T. m.

Anonymous said...

Be well, Sniffy! Good luck and may your lumpyness be benign.

Split the difference and take it on the 23rd - a "Just for the Fuck of it" day.

SID is a special guy, indeed.

Anonymous said...

You hate people?
You'd love to hate me, with my smug optimism and irritating cheery nature.

I once found a half eaten crispy pancake roll and a set of car keys in someones fanny. I bet the owner was reminded of the saying 'more haste less speed' as he trudged home.

I think the 23rd has already, officially been designated 'just for the fuck of it' day

Good luck with the op'.

Anonymous said...

Hey, don’t worry, it’s me, formerly indiaiynke. I’ve changed.

I really think you should have had a go at the ignorant woman ... you may not get another chance, but of course, there are the Smokers at the hospital to stomp on. You should take a fire extinquisher with you, and use it as you go into the hospital entrance. You could always claim it was a stress-related incident.