Monday 13 March 2006

5.50am, knackered, starving hungry

Couldn't get to sleep.

Kept awake by Sonny and Otto growling at the howling cats outside.

Finally fell asleep and was woken at 4.30 by a wagon starting up then parking outside on the road with its engine running for 5 minutes before fucking off to wherever it's going. Hope it crashes, the fucking inconsiderate tosser.

Didn't get back to sleep.

Am now sat here: knackered; starving hungry; thirsty; caffeine-deprived; cold.

Do I care if I don't wake up again?

Not really.


Anonymous said...

Poor Tina. Soon you'll be under the lovely drug and will forget all about the hunger.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Sniffy.

It was lovely knowing you.

At least you went peacefully in your sleep.

Anonymous said...

What happened to your blogroll?

Anonymous said...

I'm distrought with worry for her.

Glad she put my link in before she passed on.

Anonymous said...

Worried? Nah!

Nothing to worry about.

The party will be great.

I hope it's not pissing with rain at the graveside though. I hate all that mud and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I've bagsied her suede jacket if she snuffs it.

I shall wear it with pride at the graveside. Sniff.

Anonymous said...

Inconsiderate bastards getting on your (formerly lumpy) tits. Poor ickle baby! Sounds like your early morning went tits up. By the time this comes through, you'll be less one lump and the lovely drugs will be wearing off. Hope you get some fantastic painkillers to take home and get off your tits on them.

Anonymous said...

awww, you'll be purrfectly fine Tina (hehe) don't worry, I know it is easier said than done, but you'll be right as rain very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee, hee

I survived.


Anonymous said...

oh, she's back! Yay!

The new improved, lump free model. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...


I really, really, really wanted a party too.

So is it painful then?

Do you feel lighter?

Was there lot's of blood and gore?

Did anyone faint?

Did it smell?

Did it jump up as they removed it and run across the theatre, sceaming 'Free! Free at last!'?

Is it edible?

Are you going to eat it anyway (fave word)?

Have you given it a name?

Do you know who the father is?

Are you getting to keep it in a wee jar?

Are you going to feed it to the cats?

Are you going to feed it to Anna?

Will the kid's in the street be playing football with it later?

Will you be calling the vicar to perform an exorcism?

Did it look at you with big eyes and call you 'Mamma'?

Anonymous said...

None of the above. There was quite a lot of mess on the gown and the sheets though. I haven't really looked at it closely yet- the swelling has given me a couple more cup sizes (sorry, I know that sort of thing is difficult for you).

We can still have a party.

When you die.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, an extra cup size. That's a good thing. I am glad it went well for you.

Anonymous said...

It's just a bit lopsided, that's all. I'm sure Jean Paul Gaultierre would be able to knock something together for me though.

Anonymous said...

Oh, back to piggy's comment "Is it painful"? Yes, it is.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're home already. You know you're gonna have pain for a few days... I'm very surprised you're here, but - you know you having an Adoring Audience and must let us know you're back. My prescription: Get the fuck off the computer and go lay down and relax. Have your minions bring you treats and totally spoil you. It's not every day that one has an alien removed from their personage, now is it? You DO have a life, and it's not in front of this infernal machine at the moment!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm so excited. I told the poodles but they just looked at me with a 'wot?' expression on their cute little faces.

P&T- Nice questions.

Yes 'Sniffy' what 'Shifty' said.

Anonymous said...

OK, yeah, I'll admit - I'm screwing around. But you're in bed, so you don't know about it. Right?

Anonymous said...


Glad everything went well, as I, unlike Garfer, was not going to profit from your untimely demise.

Anonymous said...

Are you dreaming of those fabulous take away pizzas? Glad the pain isn't preventing you typing.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Glad you're alive!

Anonymous said...

Good... your alive!

Get the fucking pictures posted!

Scar Tit.

Oh that was naughty sorry x

Anonymous said...

SID, I like it! Now showing, "Scar Tit Woman". Pics to follow ...? COME ON. Oh wait, you're not up from taking care of yourself yet, are you, and a GOOD THING TOO never mind us.

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon for christs sake, Sniffy.

Get posting some tit pics - you can always cover your nips with the breast pads!

No excuses about not being able to type - unless they amputated your fingers while they were at it.

It's only a teensy weensy lump you've had dug out, not a basketball.

We want to see the stitches! (make sure you photoshop out that midriff though - that would be too much for white poofs like us).


Do you think they'll be more bouncy now?

Anonymous said...

Glad to know that you survived the aneasthesia(sp)! This must have been the week to meet bloggy friends. I met Darl this week. Just as nice as your meeting with the boys.

I love ya Girl!

Anonymous said...

OK, OK. I've not seen it myself yet - it's covered with a dressing. But I'll see if I can take some shots sans nipple tomorrow. Or I could just post a pic of Connie's pacemaker scar - that one's a right bastard.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm soiled dressing!

Anonymous said...

Let's have one of you and Connie side-by-side, sporting your scars. Or, you could take pictures of yours and hers and have us guess whose is whose.

Glad you're back and fine, Sniffy.

Anonymous said...

oh P&T, now coming from you that quite's perverted!

I do love a good scar though.