Thursday 11 August 2011

All your apps are up to date

Very good, Sniffy, how about updating your blog then?

Why don't I have any time anymore? It's ridiculous. I used to have stacks of free time in the evenings, but these days it seems as if it's nearly bedtime as soon as I've had my evening meal. Sometimes this is in fact true, especially at weekends when I don't eat until 9pm. Not that I'm ooh la la, continental or anything. It's just that it happens to be that way when I'm with my other half.

Of course the biggest time thief in my life (apart from work) is my little dog. I love him, I in no way resent him, and most of the time I really enjoy him tippy-tappying up and down, up and down, up and fucking down along the laminate flooring-of-much-distress. I love taking him for his run around the woods in the evening, but it does take time - especially when I'm hiding behind trees, avoiding the scary leprechaun man.

But the little dog and weird leprechauns aside, a more recent drain on my time has been house pride. This has involved all sorts of things an visits from talkative electricians, joiners... and plumbers - all associated with making the house a home, ready for decoration.

We finally painted the living room the other week. This should have been straightforward had I not insisted on trying to take the radiator off. Did I close the valves, empty it? Did I fuck. Did I put something in place to prop it on so the connectors weren't put under immense strain when we realised we couldn't hold its filled weight and so had to put it on the floor? No, this is me we're talking about. Did I panic and scream like a girl when the pipe connector gave way under the weight and the entire contents of my central heating system pissed out onto the living room floor? You fucking betchya! But at least I managed to paint behind it ok, so I'm guessing the eventual outcome was what I'd been looking for.

But I've learned a valuable lesson and bought a paint pad for when the dining room gets daubed in "rice cake": the radiator stays put or I die on fire.

Sterlise the fuckers
The lawless youth have been rampaging through our cities, causing mindless destruction and looting. I think the majority of the population are finally coming round to my way of thinking with regards to sterilising waste of space scum whose families haven't worked for generations. They're parasites, plain and simple. The only things they're capable of are 1) filling out benefits forms, 2) causing trouble and 3) breeding. Remove (1) to discourage (3) and there'll be fewer of them for (2). And if that doesn't work, we should try the sympathetic intervention of horsewhipping the little cunts into the next decade.