Jesus, VH1 are playing Stevie Wonder's I just called. What a dreadful song. I wonder if he'd want to kill himself if he could see how daft he looks in his videos? Why do some of our most talented musicians have to ruin their reputations by producing one or two songs that are utter dross? Of course, many great talents have had their copy books permanently blotted by collaborating with Paul McCartney: Stevie, Jacko, the Frogs Chorus. None of them were the same after singing with Macca. Bloody hell, look what happened to Linda! Singing with him was literally the death of her.
She lives on in her pies, and that can never be a bad thing.
I'm going to watch MTV Dance until Ida Corr comes on.
I love dance videos; some of them are nothing short of soft porn. There's this one with scantily clad young women using construction equipment - yes, pneumatic drills. And the one that's on now has two women in a shower scene! And by the magic of Youtube...
Toing and froing
There's lots of it going on out on the road tonight; it's quite unnerving. Car doors slamming, people driving off, others arriving, knocking on doors, voices in the street...
When I pulled up earlier, a young man on a bike was trying to ride away from a hysterical woman who was pursuing him and screaming. "LET ME EXPLAIN!"
Ad infinitum
They were at it for ages. Some people have no shame.
This from the woman who runs about in her pyjamas, squeaking a latex chicken.
Brum, Brum
I went to Birmingham today. I went on the train with some colleagues. It was really smelly. Unfortunately, I needed a wee while we were travelling so had to use the facility on the train. It was just a little unnerving trying to have a wee knowing the toilet door shut so far as to leave a centimetre gap and the weird bloke loitering outside could've peeped through to see the reflection of me weeing in the mirror that was positioned opposite to the toilet.
Why? Can somebody explain why you need a full length mirror opposite a toilet?
I haven't been to New Street railway station for at least 13 years and I don't think it's changed in all that time. Dump.
And why, when it's clear that a seat is reserved, do people still choose to sit there, only to look all hurt when you point out that you've reserved the seat and that they need to move? Idiots. But then you apologise to them for asking them to move! Perhaps you're actually apologising on behalf of them? "I'm sorry, it must be difficult being a total fucktard."
I used to have to travel through Birmingham on the train quite a lot before I got my car when I lived in Coventry. On one particular journey to Barnsley, I'd walked from my house in Cov, caught the train to New Street, where I'd changed to get the train to Barnsley or Sheffield or somewhere around there where they have that weird accent. It was on this last leg of the journey that I'd finally got a seat and as I caught my reflection in window, I realised that I'd been travelling with a leaf sticking up in my hair all the way from somewhere between my house and Coventry station.
Fucking trains.
20.55 MTV Dance Ida Corr vs Fedde La Grande. YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I don't understand why scruffy man thinks jeans and a hoody is suitable attire when those lovely young ladies went to such an effort to look their best. I'm having a cold sweat now.